Tuesday, August 27, 2013

It's complete

Photos of bags to submit with my application to the
Santa Fe Recycle Festival.
After several online tries and multiple (unreturned) phone calls, I was finally able to get a silly tax number from New Mexico, which is required on my application to the Recycle Santa Fe Art Festival.

I started completing the festival application, but needed a Gross Receipts Tax number, which New Mexico abbreviates as CRS. Silly me. I would have abbreviated it Gross Receipts Tax as GRT, but I'm not part of the New Mexico government. Anyway, I could complete the CRS application online, except that whenever I got to a certain point I was stopped. After trying for days on my MacBook Pro, I decide there might be a communication problem between the State of NM and my Mac, so today I switched to the HP computer in the bedroom. Success! I got past the previous stopping point, only to find out I needed a North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) number from the U.S. Census Department before I could complete my New Mexico CRS application and finish my Santa Fe Art Festival application. For every step forward I felt like I was taking two steps backwards, but all ended well. However, I'd like to state for the record that the New Mexico government may be slow, but the U.S. Census Department is confusing. The closest I could find to craft artist or artisan (my primary business in New Mexico) is manufacturing. There is a classification for art and recreation, but the classifications are all performing artists, not visual artists.

Today I'm creating a trip to the grocery store. One of the stores I like in Santa Fe is Sprouts, which I just read is opening a store in Houston. Today my trip will be to Albertson's because stores like Sprouts and Trader Joe's don't carry Quilted Northern toilet paper or Starkist tuna.

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