Sunday, September 25, 2011

September 25, 2011

Corp Stack for Texas A&M Corp of Cadets
Here's a question for the ages: Why do some people prefer Diet Dr. Pepper or Diet Pepsi over Diet Coke? I think some organization should give Dr. Mc a bizillion dollars to conduct a research study on this cultural topic. I've heard of studies conducted on less sensitive issues. Let me be the first to weigh in on the topic by stating – for the record – that Diet Pepsi is too sweet and Diet Dr. Pepper is too pruney. Next?

Today is the anniversary of my older brother Bryan's birth. He would have been 61 years old today, had he not died in 2004. In keeping with my new determination to celebrate life, I watched a few minutes of the Texas A&M game yesterday (fortunately during a time when the Aggies were winning). Bryan was an A&M graduate and lifetime, passionate fan. The last time I spent joking and laughing with him was the Friday after Thanksgiving in 2004. He was in MD Anderson, and Mr. B and I went with Daddy to see Bryan. The next week, Bryan was moved to hospice and he died shortly thereafter. But on the Friday after Thanksgiving, he was in fine form cheering on his favorite team.

Today I'm creating time to linger over the newspaper, drink a Diet Coke, and plan for next week.

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