Monday, July 9, 2012

July 9, 2012

Mr. B and I had a great time last night with friends. Catching up. Dinner. And Bridge. I don't know how many games of Bridge we played. Although I didn't have any terrific hands, but did well with two. On the way home I thought I'd look in Santa Fe to see if there are any Bridge classes I can join while I'm there. Having friends there to play Bridge with would be fun. I'd also like to take some sewing lessons. All sounds good.
Leaving the doctor's office on Friday with two shoes and
only an ankle brace. Question: Who picked the horrible carpet?

On Friday I got the hideous black boot off my left foot/ankle/leg. Free at last! I now have what the doctor referred to as an air cast. I think of it as more of a brace. But whatever you call it, I can wear two shoes!  

Today I'm creating a headline for a direct-mail postcard. While it sounds easy, sometimes the creative juices flow and sometimes they don't. This afternoon I have a Board meeting for Women of Wine Charities. It's raining again and I'll have to drive across town for my meeting. No fun!

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