Sunday, April 3, 2011

April 3, 2011

Mr. B and I enjoyed the Houston Heights Association's
Candlelight Dinner and Auction on April 1.
There were a bunch of tired adults for dinner last night. Most of the home tour committee chairs had been at it all day, so they pretty much drank a couple of glass of wine or margaritas, ate dinner, chatted and then left. That worked great for me because after being on my feet for three straight days, I was also tired. I think Mr. B and I were both asleep by 10 p.m. last night.

Thankfully, today has been a lazy day. At one point when I woke up from napping on the couch, a bad Jim Carrey movie was on television. Although I don't like Jim Carrey, I didn't get up to change the channel because that would have meant putting weight on my very sore feet.

Today I'm creating a dinner of leftover brisket, mac 'n cheese and cookies for Mr. B. On second thought, I'll let him create dinner for me!

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