Thursday, March 14, 2013

March 14, 2013

This beautiful yellow rose is blooming in the front yard.
It was named after the always sunny Julia Childs.
I was outside today taking more photos of my jewelry so I could post the pictures on (my shop name is jbprincess1). No one has bought anything I've listed, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that my jewelry finds an online audience.

Pet peeve of the day is people who don't return emails. I'm working on the annual auction for the Houston Heights Association along with friend Katy. We've been asking for photography donations. There are four or five people who I've contacted (most of the more than once), yet they haven't responded. I've known some of these people for years and have done favors for them, so I'm not sure why they aren't responding. I understand that they may get asked more than once a year to donate to this or that. If that's the case, how about a simple "sorry I can't donate this time" instead of being rude and not responding at all.

Today I'm creating new listings on and doing a little bit of work for the Bayou City Art Festival Memorial Park and the Houston Heights Associations auction. Speaking of request for donations, I get asked more than once a year to donate either jewelry, something I've sewn, or the Santa Fe house. And at times I've told people "sorry I can't donate this time." At least I respond and don't waste people's time and energy. My mother would be so proud!

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