Tuesday, March 6, 2012

March 6, 2012

Roz is ready for her close-up. Look at that face!
I've ordered some vintage flour and feed sacks from eBay so I'm crazy for the mail to arrive every afternoon. It's like Christmas when the packages arrive and I rip open the envelope or box and discover what's inside. Unfortunately, the eggnog is missing. I've also been buying some wedding-themed fabric so I can make aprons. I'm surprised that I can't find this fabric in Houston, but yesterday I looked in two stores for wedding fabric and didn't find any. 

This afternoon I have a landscaping company coming to look at the yard, which is currently a hot mess. I'm very excited to share my ideas with the guy and get an estimate for the work. I love a pretty yard. The landscaping doesn't have to be over the top, just neat and clean.

Today I'm creating an ad for contraception and sending it to Snooki. Right now I hear Mr. B thinking "who?" Dear, she's a reality star whose claim to fame is being from New Jersey, where she enjoys drinking, partying, tanning, and swearing at will. Now she's unmarried and pregnant. At the risk of sounding like Rush Limbaugh (heaven forbid), I'm in favor of requiring people to obtain a parenting license before a woman can get pregnant and give birth to a sweet, unsuspecting child. While this is a nutty idea, it would give little babies a fighting chance!

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