Sunday, March 25, 2012

March 25, 2012

Retiring my badges and name tag until October when
Bayou City Art Festival will be downtown.
I couldn't be happier yet more tired. It was another great day at Bayou City Art Festival. Lots of sunshine. Lots of people enjoying the great artwork. Then a fabulous party organized by our terrific special events committee (Marcus Carter, you rock!). And a special thank you to Capital One Bank, which is the title sponsor for Bayou City Art Festival. I feel very fortunate to  have such a rewarding partnership between Capital One Bank and Bayou City Art Festival!

I got home just in time to watch Ina Garten (a.k.a. The Barefoot Contessa) on the food channel. She is one of my cooking idols! She just talked about the best thing she ever ate. Not one of her own recipes, but the most delicious looking meatloaf I've every seen. (Oh how I want a scratch and sniff television!) I so enjoy a good meatloaf, but can't make one. I can't believe I'm even hungry today because Mr. B and I ate Mexican food last night with friends Kelly and Keith. When does the healthy eating begin?

Today I'm creating cocktails for Mr. B and me to drink during the premiere of Mad Men. I wasn't that excited with the last season, so I hope since the series has been off the air for so long that the wait is worth it. Or as Mr. B says, I hope "the juice is worth the squeeze."

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