Thursday, April 4, 2013

April 4, 2013

The wine pull pre-painting. The neck of the bootle goes
through the big hole and rests on the small whole. The
bottom of the bottle sits on the big hole.
It was a long afternoon working on the auction for the Houston Heights Association, but we got it done. Check out the pic-of-the-day which is a wine pull that Mr. B, Dr. Mc and #1 son-in-law Nick made. After Mr. B put a coat of paint on it, he and I took it to the party venue. The auction volunteers went crazy! They were so impressed. For anyone who doesn't know about wine pulls, people donate bottles to put in the case. A number is placed on the bottom of each bottle in the case. There is also a bag with corks that have numbers on them. The guest buys a wine pull ticket, reaches in the bag and pulls out a cork, and takes the bottle of wine from the case that matches the number s/he pulled. It's really fun. The tickets to pull a cork from the bag costs $25 and all the wine is worth $30 or more. Wine pulls always sell out so it's a quick $900 for the organization (36 bottles x $25 per ticket = $900). The key is to get all the wine donated!

We also got some promising news today about Sweetness' injuries. Dr. Mc has a good friend, Courtney, who works for the Harris County Hospital District. Courtney said Sweetness can apply for financial aid and get a card so it will only cost her $7 to go to a doctor. Granted, she will probably have to wait a long time in the waiting room, but she can take a book. This is a great option for people who aren't eligible for company-sponsored insurance and can't afford individual insurance. OK. I won't write anything else about our country's poor excuse for a healthcare system.

Today I'm creating fabric drapes for the side on the wine pull. I had some fabric with grapes all over it that I used to made panels. I also made a little bag to hold the numbered corks out of the same fabric. Cute. Cute. Cute.

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