Saturday, August 6, 2011

August 6, 2011

Found this sign during my travels around SFe.
I need to find out what enterprises the
New Mexico Pettit family is involved with.
I walked around so much yesterday that when I got home last night my legs were very tired! I decided I wasn't really hungry, so I had some crackers and cheese, and a couple of glasses of bubbly (nectar of the gods). There was a soft rain falling on the tin roof of Pettita Casita, and the noise helped lure me to sleep at an early hour.

As I  was falling asleep last night I had the feeling I was a little girl at my grandparents' house in Bryan, TX. At some point in the history of the home, which was built by my great grandfather and grandfather, the porch on the back of the house was enclosed. That room was where my grandparents slept, so we called it the sleeping porch. The room was furnished with only their twin beds, which my nephew now has, and an oak dresser with a mirror on top, which I have. In the summer, the louvered windows were cranked open and a big fan circulated the air. When it was raining, I always wanted to be out on the sleeping porch on a roll-away bed that was topped with a feather mattress and pillow. I loved the smell of the rain, the softness of the feather mattress and pillows, the sound of drops plunking on the glass of the louvered windows, and the hum of the oscillating fan. These comfortable childhood smells and sounds were present as I went to sleep last night, and provided me with a good night's sleep!

Today I'm creating a clean casita. Yes, even on vacation I have to clean house. This morning I went to the Tesuque Flea Market outside of Santa Fe and found some wonderful mud cloth and other fabric from Africa, so I'll also be sketching ideas tonight while finishing the other half bottle of bubbly.

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