Wednesday, August 3, 2011

August 3, 2011

Yard work at Pettita Casita prevents getting
a mani, but a pedi seems in order for today!
I'm just not feeling the love today and I know exactly the cause of my problem. Last night, when I took the girls out for their walk before bedtime, a woman drove up to the house next door to me, got out of her car, and started "female dogging" me out, if you receive my meaning. The woman doesn't live on the drive where my house is located. She doesn't own property on the drive. She was visiting an sick elderly woman. Yet she "female dogged" me out for letting my two little girls make their deposits in a vacant, overgrown lot. She was calling me names (female dog) and threatening to knock my head off if I didn't go back to wherever I came from. The entire altercation was very distressing! Consequently, I didn't sleep last night. I was awake and analyzing what I did to make the woman so angry. Since I have a "people-pleasing" personality, whatever went wrong last night must have been my fault, or so it is in my mind. Today I'm tired and cranky, and still somewhat concerned that the crazy woman will do something ... well, crazy. Who knows what that might be.

I cancelled my play date with gardner extraordinaire Little Ricky. He was supposed to come over today, have lunch, and help me with some yard work, but when he called this morning I rescheduled for Monday. There's a problem with the drip system that waters the front flower beds (see photo of front beds). I just don't feel like messing with that today. I also have about $200 worth of new plants to put in the side flower beds, but I can do that myself.

Today I'm creating a pity party. But to help myself get out of this funk, I'm going sew something. Being creative in a positive way will help me immensely. My machine should be ready this afternoon and I'm going to get it and sew my little fingers off. Luckily, the sewing machine repair shop is close to a nail salon. Having my nails done will also help my mood. There's a reason a manicure/pedicure is referred to as the "cures."

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