Tuesday, October 4, 2011

October 4, 2011

Donut graveyard from this morning's meeting.
I had a terrible time getting up this morning. Rose and I were still snuggling after Mr. B left for work. I finally forced myself to get up so I could get dressed and arrive at my client's office for the 10 a.m. meeting. There were two guest speakers this morning who brought donuts AND breakfast tacos. Since I still don't look good in a dress I'm planning to wear at the end of this month, I stepped away from the donuts in favor of an egg and potato taco. Good choice.

It was nice to put on a blouse with sleeves this morning. It seems as if it has been hot forever, at least in Texas. While watching the weather this morning, it was reported that there was snow in the mountains of Northern California. When Dr. Mc and Nick lived in Denver, it never failed that she would call me in October (when I was wearing shorts) to tell me snow was falling. Right now I'm happy just to open the front door and not be hit in the face by a brick wall of humidity.

Today I'm creating a newsletter and sending another newsletter to different clients for review before printing. After my client's office I want to go to the fabric store ... just for linings. No new fabrics is my mantra.

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