Monday, October 17, 2011

October 17, 2011

Note to self: The living room ottoman shouldn't be the
permanent home for these cold weather clothes.
I'm often amazed at what scientists get funding to research. For example, a new study found that women who sipped one to two glasses a day of beer or wine were less likely to gain weight than those who abstained completely. Turns out that women who drink alcohol usually consume fewer calories from other sources, says study author Dr. Lu Wang. I guess she has never heard of alcohol causing the munches! So although I find her study results to be full of air, cheers to her study funding.

Another interesting study: Skinny jeans are often to blame for Tingling Thigh Syndrome, a temporary condition that occurs when the nerve running across the outside of your thigh becomes compressed, causing your legs to feel as if they've gone to sleep, says Dr. Gary Gronseth, chief of neurology inpatient service at the University of Kansas Hospital. I suffer from another condition that prevents me from ever having wearing skinny jeans and experiencing Tingling Thigh Syndrome: Thunder Thigh Syndrome.

Today I'm creating a clean ottoman. As you'll see in the photo, lots of cold weather clothes have taken over the living room ottoman. Today's project involves finding a new home for these clothes – either inside the closet or outside in the garage sale pile. I'd like to obtain funding for a study that would determine why I refuse to get rid of clothes I haven't worn in 10 years. Who else wants to participate?

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