Monday, May 30, 2011

May 30, 2011

It's Memorial Day, which is the day of the year for Americans to remember, reflect and honor those who have given their all in service to our country. I'm thankful for all the men and women who have fought to keep America a democracy! I'm fortunate that no member of my family has ever fought in a war. My grandfathers was too young for WWI and my dad too young for WWII. My older brother graduated from Texas A&M just as the Viet Nam "conflict" was ending. He was in the Air Force, defending Omaha, Neb. for a couple of years. My nephew never served in the military. Mr. B was never in the military either, although his older brother was in the Army, but never in combat.

My uncle-by-marriage, Thomas George Jenkins, was in the Navy during WWII. I don't remember him ever talking about the war or what he did. He had a huge tattoo of an anchor his forearm. He made his two oldest daughters and me promise never to get a tattoo. As far as I know, the three of us have honored our promise to him.

Today I'm creating a long overdue colorful garden in the front yard with the help of Mr. B. We're proudly displaying a U.S. flag on the front of the house. Long may she wave!

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