Tuesday, May 21, 2013

May 21, 2013

I listened to two webinars today. One was specific to a company I contract with and the other was about non-profits using social media. I have social network accounts with Facebook and Linkeden, the latter of which I don't really use. But I do use Facebook and my blog forum daily. I also use media sharing (YouTube). I look subject up on it although I've never posted on it. And today, after listening to the webinar about social media, I signed up for microblogging with Twitter. So now I'm using four of the six types of social media, and am adding to my bucket list to investigate the others (bookmarking sites and social news).
Kirby McZam waiting for someone to drop food.

I also am looking at Four Square. I've always been interested in this service that people use to post where they are located. Personally think it's TMI and don't care whose at CVS or Kroger. And I don't think anyone cares if I'm at CVS or Kroger, so I probably won't use Four Square. Well, there might be exceptions. If I was at Harrod's in London or the White House, I'll let people know.

Today I'm creating a meeting with a design firm to check out their capabilities. Great group, but I bet I was older than some of their mothers (insert heavy sigh here).

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