Thursday, June 28, 2012

June 28, 2012

Refreshing mojitos from last night. Cool!
The Pettits solved the world problems last night while savoring mojitos. We didn't overdo it, but did enjoy them. Serving tip: although most of the recipes suggested not to strain out the mint, the Pettits did. Otherwise there was just too much wilty stuff in the glass that made it onto our teeth and lips.

On a more serious note, I'm not sure how I feel about Obamacare being upheld by the Supreme Court. I'm excited about many of the provisions that I understand, including the fact that there will be an array of quality insurance plans, but I don't understand some of the the law. What does it mean that Obamacare is unconstitutional under commerce laws, but constitutional under tax laws? I hope it doesn't mean higher taxes! Is there a nonpartisan person who can explain the policy without involving their personal political choices? If so, I'd like to hear from you because I don't think the media will be the least bit nonpartisan in their reporting.

Today I'm creating a monthly newsletter before I gather items for a family outing of BINGO tonight. I've convinced Dr. Mc and #1 son-in-law Nick to attend BINGO. They can be so easily swayed with the promise of food and beverages.

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