Sunday, June 10, 2012

June 10, 2012

Mr. B brought me a curried tuna salad sandwich from
The Shade for lunch. YUM!
Mr. B dropped me off at Fitzgerald's around 10:45 p.m. last night. He wasn't feeling well so I convinced him that I could go by myself to hear #1 son-in-law Nick keep The Suffers on beat with his drums. I was flattered for about a nano second when I thought Mr. B was concerned that someone would "hit" on me. But I think what concerned him was that he would have to get out of his nice warm bed and pick me up after the bar closed. Not to worry, I got a ride home with Nick's parents.

Rose barked at me as I unlocked the front door around 2:30 a.m., which must have awakened Mr. B. I don't think he opened his eyes or moved his body, but I did hear him mumble, "How was it," or something like that. I wasn't sure what he said because my ears were still ringing. The Suffers were great fun to watch and hear, even if it was 12:30 a.m. before they went on stage. I was head bobbing and nodding, clapping and having a terrific time.

Today I'm creating minor revisions to conference materials. Not much else planned except laying on the couch. Watching the men's championship match of the French Open (rain delayed). Reading the paper. Resting my ankle. And getting ready for my birthday.

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