Monday, November 10, 2014

Aulay, Day 84

I remember leaving the hospital with the new parents when Dr. Mc was discharged after Aulay's birth, but he had to stay in the hospital. It was a sad day and I fought back tears when she told me that their baby should be leaving with them. Praise be to God, as well as the doctors, nurses and specialists at Woman's Hospital of Texas who have cared for the little prince since August 19. The day this family has looked forward to will happen. The three McZam's will leave the hospital together.  TOMORROW.

Dr. Mc and Big Daddy will spend most of today at the hospital meeting with doctors and nurses, receiving final instructions about Aulay. Tonight the three of them will stay in the hospital together, which is termed rooming-in. And tomorrow, knock on wood, the little family will begin the next chapter of their lives, which I pray will be an epic tale of love and happiness!

Today I'm creating an e-blast and getting ready for a visit with my little prince.


  1. So, so awesome!!! YAY for ALL OF YOU!!!!

    1. Thanks for all your good wishes, Paula! The Forever Young group has been so supportive. I can't wait to see everyone in January! Big hugs for everyone.

  2. Look at that smile! So happy for your family!

    1. Thanks, Rindy! It's such a great feeling to know that he will be out of the hospital finally!
