Wednesday, November 28, 2012

November 28, 2012

In an attempt to be considerate to Mr. B, I got up early this morning and came to work with him. I have a doctor's appointment at 11:25 a.m. and, since he's taking me there, I didn't want him to have to drive home to get me. I actually agreed to getting up early and getting dressed. If you've been reading my blogs for any time, you know that I don't like getting up in the morning. I'm blaming my accommodating behavior on the pain medication, which has obviously blocked my normal reasoning ability to put my needs first. A kinder, gentler Princess Julie. What a concept!

I'm sitting in the downstairs conference room at Mr. B's office. Originally this old building was a house, so there's a fireplace in the conference room. The owner of the company is a big game hunter and has animal heads everywhere. But wait. These aren't the Bambi heads that some proud Texans display in their homes. No. Staring at me from above the fireplace is the head and neck of a water buffalo. The abundance of fluorescent lighting in this room prohibits a clear picture with my iPhone, but my pic-of-the-day gives you a sense of what I'm experiencing. At least the water buffalo doesn't have it's pink tongue sticking out, but I wish s/he would stop staring at me!

Today I'm creating ...  pause, pause, pause ... time for an afternoon nap. I'm beginning to feel like I'm cheating on my blog and readers because I haven't been creating much recently. I'm also blaming that on the pain meds.

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