Saturday, December 14, 2013

Christmas magic

Subtle nail polish named "Do the Mermaid."
I was at a financial committee meeting this morning for Bayou City Art Festival. Two things are wrong with this scenario. First, it began at 9 a.m. Second, it lasted for 3.5 hours. Not my idea of how to begin a Saturday morning.

Next I went to Dr. Mc and #1 son-in-law Nick's house to help them get ready for their Lights in the Heights party tonight. In about a hour I had made two wreaths and decorated their tree (the lights were already in place). The wreaths were simple and the tree involved big, colorful draped net ribbon. Turned out great. Then I was home to make vegetarian chili and cookies, redress and get back to their house before the street closing at 5:30 p.m. Done. Done. And done.

Today I'm creating Christmas magic, but not at the Pettit house in Houston. We still have a tree with lights, but nothing else. Mr. B brought the four containers of Christmas decorations into the house. They're sitting - unopened - in the kitchen. Not tomorrow. Maybe Monday. More likely Tuesday. Or perhaps I'll reinvent the Christmas tree this year, such as what I did at Dr. Mc and #1 son-in-law Nick's house.

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