Tuesday, June 26, 2012

June 26, 2012

Lorna sent me this photo from last week's BINGO game
with the caption that she sat next to Michael McDonald
while playing. Actually, it was just Mr. B
Here's why I love reality shows. The television is on and I'm half listening to one of the Real Housewife shows. A woman makes the comment: "You talk about money like it's no big deal, like you can s@*t it out your a$$." To me, this is just further acknowledgement that there's NOTHING real about any of the reality shows. Not the hair, nails, noses, lips, cheeks, boobs, friendships, and certainly not the conversations. Who makes a statement like that?

I had a fun lunch today with some of the other Board members from Women of Wine. We were invited to the Bonhams showroom to have lunch and sample some fine and rare wines. Goodness, I could get used to this. I sampled four white wines (skipped the Pinot Noir) and heard about auctions where cases of wine sold for more than $400K. There were also horror stories about wine collectors who hadn't stored their wines properly and the priceless bottles turned out to be worthless. It's a different reality for some people!

Today I'm creating a newsletter for my Tuesday client. When I left the office around 3:45 p.m., my car thermostat registered 112 degrees. I drove immediately to get a soft drink at McDonalds. By the time I got home, it was only 111 degrees. Crazy it's only June and it's already so hot in Houston.

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