Thursday, June 14, 2012

June 14, 2012

Santa Fe friend and gardener extraordinaire LR
emailed me that he picked about eight pounds
of cherries from our tree there. He could not tell a lie:
He confessed to eating another pound while gardening.
It's Flag Day and I see the Pettits' flag proudly waving in front of the house. I hope you're displaying your flag, also.

This is the beginning of my birthday season, which will continue for at least one week, except for part of Sunday when the Guss, Kline, McCarley, Pettit and Zamora clans gather to celebrate Father's Day. That reminds me that I need to get the ingredients for homemade ice cream (my contribution to the Sunday dinner) and pesto. I'm beginning to think basil is the rabbit of the herb family in that it multiplies like crazy! It's time to turn the basil into pesto and give it to family and friends.

Today I'm creating a 300-word company blurb, which is not as easy as it sounds. I spent two hours writing and contemplating adjectives. Wow... it sounds really nerdy that someone would contemplate adjectives. The truth about me is out ... I'm a word geek.

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