Monday, April 9, 2012

April 9, 2012

Torn petoneus brevis means my plans for the next
several months will probably be changed.
I left the doctor's office today in my boot and in tears after hearing the results of last weeks MRI. First the good news: "No fracture or bone contusion." Then the bad news: "tears in the posterior tibialis, flexor digitorum longus, flexor hallucis longus tendons." This translates to torn tendons in my hindfoot, which will likely require surgery. Also certain parts of my the top of my ankle are still not visible because of my high-grade sprain. What they could see on the MRI is that "the adjacent anterolateral gutter appears mildly patulous." This translates to the likelihood of tears in the soft tissue across the top of my ankle. After the doctor's presentation of my options, I agreed to three weeks of physical therapy on my left foot and ankle before further evaluation to see if I need surgery. Although the doctor said the tear in the tendon in my hindfoot rarely repairs itself with surgery, I'd rather try physical therapy first. It's time to take my foot/ankle injury seriously. I don't want to be having foot/ankle problems that result in chronic pain and – even more serious – ugly shoes.

Three weeks of physical therapy before a doctor's appointment on May 7 for the final evaluation. If surgery is needed (and the doctor told me there is a high probability it will be necessary), I'll be in a hard cast for a couple of weeks and then back in the boot for another four to six weeks during recovery. Even if I had immediate surgery, I was told I wouldn't be able to do lots of walking by mid-June, which is when Mr. B, Dr. Mc, No. 1 son-in-law Nick, and I were planning to go to Chicago for birthday celebrations. It looks like Dr. Mc and No. 1 son-in-law Nick will be having fun in Chicago without Mr. B and me. What's more, if I have surgery it will probably be in the middle to late May. With six to eight weeks of recovery, my planned summer departure for the high desert may have to be postponed. 

Today, I'm creating a list of items I need from the fabric store. I need to make two tote bags and two aprons by Friday morning. Once the fabrics are matched, I'll need a few supplies I always purchase specific for the bags and totes. I also have a board meeting for Women of Wine Charities at 4 p.m. today. Then Dancing With the Stars. Fun stuff.

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