The last day of the year. WOW! I can't say it has been my favorite year, especially the last half of 2011, so I'm ready to move forward with great hopes for 2012. I shouldn't complain about 2011, because Mr. B, Dr. Mc, Nick, Evan and I end the year with everyone healthy and working. Indeed, I should be rejoicing!
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For the new year, I've armed myself with two All-Clad pans
and a Le Crueset dutch oven. Happy, happy. Joy, joy! |
Mr. B and I have a night out planned at two neighborhood parties. Reflecting back, I don't remember my parents going out too much, but they would go out on New Year's Eve. When I was young they would be home well before midnight with hats and horns for my older brother and me. I also remember Dec. 31, 1979, and the days thereafter. On New Year's Eve, Dr. Mc's dad and I (eight months pregnant) went out with friends to party after party after party. I was exhausted the following day, and on Jan. 2, 1980, I made an unscheduled visit to my OBGYN. I was worried because I couldn't feel my baby moving. He examined me, said the baby was fine, and I was on schedule to deliver the baby around my due date: January 24. I went into labor that night and Kendall was born at 8:42 a.m. on Jan. 3, 1980. Later that year, Dr. Mc's dad and I were going out on New Year's Eve and leaving her with her paternal grandfather, Ikie. She was ready for bed before we left to meet our friends. When we got back to the house just before midnight – with hats and horns for everyone – almost one-year-old Baby Kendall was still awake in her grandfather's lap. They had the television on and were waiting for the "ball" to drop in Time Square. Her little pink robe and slippers were complemented by the New Year's crown we brought her.
Today I'm creating time to talk to the "contact people" in the family. I've called my cousin Susan to wish her Happy New Year and find out how my cousin Leigh is doing. If you've been reading my blogs, you may remember that Leigh has lung cancer. Then I called my aunt Martha to wish her Happy New Year and find out how my uncle Clyde is doing. He has alzheimer's disease and was recently in the hospital with pneumonia. To you, my blog readers: Warmest wishes for a splendid New Year and much happiness in 2012!