Friday, July 22, 2011

July 22, 2011

Yard sale part deux tomorrow from 8 a.m. to noon. Mr. B is going through the garage tonight, but last night he brought home boxes (see photo) from our storage unit for me to go through today. These boxes have been in storage for more than a year. My theory is that if we haven't missed the items inside the boxes by now, we probably don't need them. Correct-a-mundo?

But what do I do with items I don't use or like, but can't discard? This topic came up last week with my daddy's Texas A&M diploma. Daddy was the first person on either side of his family to graduate from college. His diploma always hung in a prominent position in his study. I don't need the diploma, but can't pitch it. Then there's a painting my parents bought in South America in the mid 1950s. I don't like the painting, but can't seem to discard it. The same goes for a painting that a friend of my parents made. All three of these framed pieces are quite large! What I need to do is put on my big-girl panties and deal with this issue. I don't have to save everything. And there are many items that I cherish. I don't have to keep things I don't like. Light bulb moment ... who makes collages? A piece of this. A scrap of that. Everything collaged on one piece of canvas. Yes! Thanks for helping me work through this conundrum.

Today I'm creating a budget for the Women of Wine fundraiser. I'm chairing the event that will take place on October 25. Oh course, with all these boxes stacked in the dining room, more in the kitchen, and a budget to create, I don't think there will be time for all the Friday cleaning activities. All together now ... awwwww.

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