Wednesday, May 25, 2011

May 25, 2011

Cherry tree in Santa Fe with small,
probably inedible fruit.
I'm not a happy camper today. I feel both sad and mad, then back to sad again!

First, Mr. B got a call that there is a problem with the drip watering system in Santa Fe. Richard A. also told Mr. B that our Santa Fe garden isn't as lush as it should be, probably because of the lack of rain and the drip system is not working properly. It makes me very sad because I'm so far away and can't do anything!

Next, I have the feeling that someone is trying to push me out of something I'm doing. This makes me mad! I don't like it and I won't let it happen, but I have to calm myself down and get my thoughts in order.

Finally, I'm sad that the mother of Mr. B's co-worker died last night. Sandy will have a difficult time as she deals with the loss of her mother.

Today I'm creating a better mood for myself. Maybe I'll take a long walk with Rose or maybe I'll take Roz for a ride in my bicycle basket. Fresh air will help clear my mind, or so I hope!

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