Friday, May 20, 2011

May 20, 2011

A beautiful iris blooming in the Santa Fe garden. 
I managed to get in a couple hours of yard work yesterday and my back survived. I hope that small amount of physical activity makes up for some of the food I've eaten. Mr. B is a breakfast person and has made a lumberjack breakfast every morning we've been here. Being the obedient spouse that I am (ha!), I've eaten bacon, toast and either eggs or cereal and berries every morning. All that food first thing in the day makes me sleepy.

I got a distressing message from a friend this morning. She has worked for a company in Dallas for a little more than a decade. This job seemed like a match made in heaven for her, but she wrote me, "I guess I aged out." It's shocking to me because she's 11-12 years my junior. What's with the business world that experience and dedication no longer matter? Is it only in the creative fields that this happens? So many of my friends in their 40s and 50s are being cast aside. I know my friend in Dallas will be fine after the initial shock. She has a great attitude and will always find success in her journeys!

Today I'm creating more magic in the garden. I'm hoping to find time either today or tomorrow to visit a few of my favorite spots where I find vintage fabrics.

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