Monday, May 12, 2014

A clean kitchen

Mother's Day 2014 with my wonderful daughters.
I had a terrific Mother's Day, thank you very much! Many of my favorite people were here celebrating with me: Dr. Mc, Sweetness, #1-son-in-law Nick, Nick's brother Alex, Raff (Sweetness's long-time beau), Mr. B, The McKlines, The Zamoras, and The Gusses. There were 15 here all total and because the weather was so beautiful, we dined outside under the shade of the backyard trees.

Our yummy meal included Dr. Mc's homemade biscuits; Richard's sausage gravy; Michele's green salad; and Alex's specialty cocktail. Nick and I fried up chicken strips that were served with waffles. Michele brought a cake and I made Mr. B's favorite Texas Chocolate Sheet Cake with chocolate icing. It was a delicious meal and fun company.

Today I'm creating a clean kitchen. There are just a few pieces left to wash by hand, but first … is there anything wrong with waffles and chocolate cake for lunch? After all, it's meatless Monday.

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