Tuesday, June 25, 2013

June 25, 2013

I spent an hour today driving to and from a property to
take photos, only to have the magazine tell me they like the
photos taken with an iPad camera better. Harrumph!
I don't want anyone to have the idea that life is all about me. However, I've been planning an event for my client for months. Yesterday he wasn't feeling well. Today he went to the hospital with a 103 degree temperature. Holy crap! He says he is getting out of the hospital tomorrow, but what if he doesn't? At his event I may need to step into the spotlight in his absence. Slap. Slap. Calm down, diva. Everything is going to be OK.

It was another crazy day today. I spent a couple of hours this morning working for a client. Then I spent four hours working on tomorrow night's event. Next a photo shoot with my Cannon Power Shot. Finally three hours of pro bono work before dinner with close friends Sandy and Dave. I can and will make it through tomorrow to be on vaca planning Thursday and Friday. Deep breath. Big sigh. Hmmmm.

Today I'm creating shopping time for tomorrow night's event. Everything is purchased, so tomorrow I only have to create five floral arrangements and set up for the event. But wait. What am I going to wear? Hmmmm.

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