Monday, January 2, 2012

January 2, 2012

Nick and Dr. Mc hamming it up on Christmas Eve 2011.
It's time to start making lists again so I won't forget what I'm supposed to do, beginning with Dr. Mc's birthday tomorrow. We're having dinner at the house and I've decided to make a stew that needs to rest in the refrigerator overnight. Same with the lemon icebox pie I want to make. It taste better if it is made a day ahead of time. Although I don't have a new pie dish, I do have my new super duper Le Crueset dutch oven for the stew. Yippee!

Also on my list I need to get an eye exam. For Christmas, Mr. B gave me a pair of new sun glasses that I wanted, but I can't use my current prescription because it's two and a half years old. The girls have told me that my current frames make me look older. Really? I have a very expensive pair of rimless glasses with titanium frames, but they have told me to get bigger frames. The school teacher, studious look. What a stab in the heart for them to tell me (again) that I'm out of style. Years ago I promised myself that I would NEVER get old. But at the rate I'm going, I'll soon be wearing sensible shoes (translation: ugly shoes).

Today I'm creating plans for Dr. Mc's birthday dinner and party. It's funny how she keeps getting older while I'm trying to stay young.

1 comment:

  1. I say that you should go for frames in a bold color! Make a statement!
