Saturday, April 25, 2015

My wish is that this little boy will grow up in
a world that is less quick to judge.
I've watched bits and pieces of Diane Sawyer's interview with Bruce Jenner, and have to say that I have so many emotions right now. I'm sad that Bruce has had to live a lie for 65 years. I'm upset that people think the interview was a publicity stunt. I'm happy that Bruce can be his or her "authentic self" now, regardless of what other people think. And I'm hopeful that people will learn to be more accepting of the differences in others.

I know that the paragraph I just wrote will be unpopular with some people who will question how I can consider myself a christian when I support the idea of transgenders. I think Matthew answered that question best: Judge not lest ye be judged (Mt. 7:1-5).

Today I'm creating time to recover from a very busy end of the week. Learning to be my authentic self includes recognizing the fact that my aging body can't do what I did 10, 20 or 30 years ago. It's not a weakness on my part, just a fact of life.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

My mom in the mid-50s. She would have
been 86 today.
Yesterday we had beautiful weather in Houston, but today it has been overcast most of the day. The weather man was predicting rain all day, but "in town" there have only been a few sprinkles. Of course the event I'm planning for tomorrow night is outside and it is supposed to rain. Let's see, where did I put those rain boots?

I had some time to kill this afternoon so, of course, I went to look at some shoes (found nothing). Then I went to look at some baby clothes, which is my next favorite thing to shop for other than shoes. TLP is growing so fast that he is outgrowing everything after two or three wearings. All the little shorts at The Gap Kids were so cute that I couldn't resist, especially the plaid ones. So adorable.

Today I'm creating the first draft of a magazine article. It's not due until next Thursday, but this weekend is going to be busy with events (as are most of my weekends right now). Mr. B is promising to take some time off next week. I tried to convince him to fly off somewhere, but he didn't bite. Bummer.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

There have been news (?) reports this week asking the question of whether or not moms can put too many photos of their child(ren) on social media. Of course, the question didn't mention other family members, such as grandmothers, posting too many photos. However, in the interest of fairness, I've considered both sides of the argument and have decided that both ends of Mr. Baby are equally cute. Don't you agree?

I had one of my favorite lunches today: pad thai with chicken. Yum! Unfortunately I got a stale fortune cookie. Does that mean my fortune was also stale?

Today I'm creating a one-page flier than can be used as a template for a client. It sounds more difficult than it really was. I found the template in MSWord, customize it, added the text, and off it went. Yippee.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Yesterday I posted a photo of mother and child so today I'm giving equal time to papa and child taken by Dr. Mc last weekend. She and TLP drove to NOLA to meet Big Daddy after his last performance on the road trip with The Suffers. As always, she got several great shots of Aulay, including this one with his daddy.

I love the contrast in the coloring of Big Daddy and TLP. I don't think anyone ever thought that Mr. Baby would be born with blonde hair and blue eyes, considering Nick's coloring, even though he had light hair when he was born. To tell you the truth, I would have loved this little guy if he had been born with purple hair and orange eyes.

Today I'm creating the finishing touches to a newsletter for a non-profit organization and working on the program for an event that will take place this Thursday evening. I can only hope that the rains scheduled for Wednesday are short since the event on Thursday is outdoors.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Joan was my mother's first cousin, but I've always thought of her as my aunt because she, my mother and my aunt Sue were close. As teenagers, Joan's daughter Connie and I were close. We even roomed together for a while at college. This is just background information to lay the ground of my relationship to Joan, who at this time is in the hospital and very ill.

I think she is around 88 or 89 years old, has been diagnosed with congestive heart failure and kidney failure. Joan is in quite a bit of pain and has said that she would rather die than live in this condition. I remember my daddy and Mr. B's mother making the same statement near the end of their lives.

Today I'm creating some social media postings, but other than that doing very little.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

While Big Daddy is touring, Dr. Mc brings TLP into the house every morning and leaves him with me while she gets ready for work. Since I don't like to get up and moving too early, the baby snuggles in bed with me. And his blanket. And several of his toys. And sometimes his bottle, if he hasn't already finished it. We chat, play with toys, and entertain Mr. B while he finishes getting ready for work. If time permits, I'll also put on my glasses and check e-mails to see if anything is urgent.

This morning a neighborhood friend had emailed me asking about Mr. Baby's birth weight. A co-worker of her's had a grand baby born last week who weighed 1 lb. 6 ozs., which led me to reflect on August 19, 2014, when TLP was born weighing 1 lb. 14 ozs. I'm snuggling a little closer this morning with the miracle baby that has been given to my family. TLP is such a blessing and my hero! God is good!

Today I'm creating loads of clean clothes. Not only is it supposed to rain today,  but it's also National Pajama Day. I think I'll celebrate this important day by staying in my pj's all day and keeping TLP in his, also.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Tonight Mr. B and I watched the series finale of Justified. As much as I enjoyed the series I'm not sure I liked the finale. Everything was tied up in a neat little bow in the last 15 minutes of the show, leaving lots of chances for movies in the future. But does the series have enough of an audience for a movie? Now we're going to power watch The Americans, which is from the same creators as Justified.

Tonight Mr. B made eggs, bacon and biscuits for dinner. I especially enjoy breakfast for dinner during cold weather, but it was mighty tasty tonight, also.

Today I'm creating a press release and working on a community newsletter that needs to be completed tomorrow. I also gave TLP a bath this morning in the bathroom sink. Soon he will be too big to fit in it.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

For a change of pace, I'm posting a photo of irises that are blooming in the front yard instead of a Mr. Baby picture. The rains in Houston mean that all the flowers are blooming, including so many roses in the yard. We decided several years ago that we needed a garden that required less maintenance from us. It seems to be working. Everything survives on sunshine and rain that are provided by mother nature.

Once again I rocked TLP to sleep tonight while humming hymns to him. He's a tough one to get to sleep, but eventually falls asleep on my shoulder. I say I hum hymns, but sometimes The Eyes of Texas gets into the mix.

Today I'm creating a bio. It was immediately approved which left me time to continue trying to get approval on an invitation that needs to go out on Thursday. I also did some social media posting and continued to work on events that will take place in the next two weeks.

Monday, April 13, 2015

It's the beginning of a new week. Let me say this about that: rainy days and Mondays always get me down. Fortunately it wasn't a rainy day in Houston, just a Monday.

I did have some fun with Mr. Baby at lunchtime. Dr. Mc was home for lunch and she was playing with him. She would count one, two, three, and then lift him up to an (assisted) standing position. He would look across the room to see if I was watching him. As soon as I looked at him he would start smiling and laughing. I felt so important because he wanted my attention to see what he was doing. Awwww, it's the little things.

Today I'm creating a meeting with two women about an event on May 24. I also finished a newspaper article and an invitation. I planned the menu for a brunch that is taking place this Saturday (I'm not cooking for it) and started working on a non-profit newsletter. The afternoon flew by.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Last night was a milestone for TLP. He rolled from his back to his stomach. Over and over again. This is the good news. The bad news is that he doesn't like being on his stomach so he kept Dr. Mc awake most of the night. Probably the first words out of her mouth this morning were "I'm tired."

Yesterday my hair went from shoulder length to ear length. It was a big move for me! I had grown my hair out three years ago. I thought it might be my last chance to have long hair. The entire time my hair was longer the "mother-in-my-head" kept telling me that I shouldn't have long hair after 50. I also thought long hair would make me look younger. Unfortunately, my long hair wasn't pretty and it didn't make me look a minute younger. So yesterday, off it came.

Today I'm finishing work on a flier and waiting for revisions to the newspaper article I wrote yesterday. TLP usually stays with me on Fridays, but this morning he went to his pediatrician for a checkup and vaccinations. While he was gone I hemmed two pairs of pants that have been too long for too long. Then I had a shower and have been messing with my hair, relearning what to do with it when it's short.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

It was a TBT for Mr. Baby. He went to Texas Children's Hospital this morning for a follow-up procedure on his hearing. He was sedated because the procedure was supposed to last three hours. I felt so sorry for TLP because, just as with adult procedures, he couldn't eat after a certain time.

Aulay decided to sleep through part of the procedure, then wake up and pull most of the "leads" out. He was fed some Pedialyte and went back to sleep. Dr. Mc held him while all the wires were reattached, but he soon woke up. The doctors determined that the rest of the procedure wasn't going to happen. Fortunately, they had completed most of the tests and could find nothing wrong with the Mr. Baby's hearing, so he was sent home. It's times like this when I look at Mr. Baby and find it hard to believe that he was a micro preemie. It's also hard for doctors to believe that he was born weighing 1 pound 14 ounces because he is so healthy today. Once again it makes me realized how blessed we are that this baby is so healthy.

Today I'm creating a newspaper article. I sent it off for review and now have to wait for revisions and edits.

Friday, April 3, 2015

This is one of my favorite photos ever of Mr. Baby, but then I think that about all the photos taken of him.

He and Dr. Mc were going to a Seder dinner tonight (Big Daddy won't be back in town until the end of April). I gave TLP a bath and brushed his hair, although it won't lay down at the crown of his precious head. Then I put him in a little romper we had been saving for just the right event. Adorable! I may have to wash this romper so he can wear it again on Sunday for Easter lunch.

Today I'm creating plans for April events. The most challenging will be on Friday, April 24. Two events – one from 6-8 p.m. and the other from 9 p.m.-midnight are booked at the same place. I can't imagine how we're going to turn everything around in just one hour. Stay tuned.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Back to our new normal

While Big Daddy and The Suffers continue touring the East Coast, Dr. Mc flew back to Houston last night. I could tell she was tired and sorry to leave Big Daddy, but equally happy to see Mr. Baby.

Back to The Suffers, after Monday night on Letterman, they traveled to Washington D.C for a show and are now back in NYC today for a sold out performance. It's an exciting time for The Suffers.

Today I'm creating an invoice (yea), coordinating a brief artist reception for tonight, and making an Easter basket for Mr. Baby. Actually, I went to Baby's R Us and bought him some short pants. Temps have been in the 80s in Houston and I think he must be hot in his long flannel pants. I can't wait to give him a bath in the morning and put him in his shorts. His legs are cubby and short so the shorts may be ankle length.