Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Aulay, Day 43

It's hard to believe that Dr. Mc's due date is seven weeks away yet the little prince was born six weeks ago. It's still a miracle to me that he is doing so well when he was born so early. I continue to give thanks each and every day for the life of this little man, and thank each of you for your continued support, prayers and well wishes.

Dr. Mc and Big Daddy Nick continue to go to the hospital late at night to spend time with the little man. Since Big Daddy was out of town for two days, he was really excited to see Aulay last night. I love the photo Dr. Mc took last night of Nick cuddling with the wide-awake Aulay. That tiny face is so adorable!

Today I'm creating an e-blast. And, instead of my morning visit to see Aulay, I'm going to the hospital in the evening with Sweetness.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Aulay, Day 42

Aulay with his mommy last night.
I've gladly had two Aulay visits since my post yesterday. I took Dr. Mc to see the little man last night. We got there just before his 8 p.m. assessment and feeding. Dr. Mc was able to hold him (see pic-of-the-day). He was alert and bright-eyed for the first 30 minutes. As Big Daddy Nick said it's great to have Aulay awake and looking around. Then he went to sleep until the end of his feeding when he got cranky.

I went back to the hospital this morning for my normal daytime visit. All the nurses in NICU Level 2 were commenting on how much they love his blonde hair. I think it's safe to say that the little man is a nurse magnet.

Today I'm creating lunch with Mr. B and his sister, Missy. I'm also going to Walgreen's to get my flu shot. Now I have immunizations against whopping cough and the flu, which is what is recommended for people who are around babies. I'm also doing more cleaning in the back bedroom. Keeping busy.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Aulay, Day 41

Dr. Mc and her little prince.
Since Big Daddy Nick is out of town, I took Dr. Mc to the hospital around 10:30 p.m. last night. There's a different atmosphere at that time of night in the hospital. There weren't any inflated pink or blue balloons, overstuffed animals, or floral arrangements entering the main lobby at the hospital. At that time of day, visitors at the hospital have a more serious reason for being there, which is different from the celebratory daytime visitors bearing gifts. The reason for this thankful grandmother being there was to escort my weary daughter to cuddle with her tiny son who had graduated from Level III NICU earlier in the day.

The experience last night was very much like a first date or a job interview. For the first time in 40 days we didn't take the elevator to the third floor, but went to Level II NICU on the fourth floor. Instead of picking up a telephone outside the nursery and hearing the customary voice of Miss Betty, there was a new person answering the phone and asking which baby you were visiting. The small, quiet environment of Level III NICU was replaced by a neonatal unit that is much bigger, noisier, and more crowded with babies. Instead of the familiar faces, there were new nurses. For the first few minutes, just as on a first date or a job interview, there was assessing and gauging of the situation. But one thing was the same: tiny Aulay was in his incubator looking as cute as ever. Now weighing 3 pounds, 8 ounces, the little prince had a busy day of moving before we got there last night. Unfortunately, his temperature was down so Dr. Mc wasn't able to hold him. Her face turned bright red and she silently cried in disappointment. I suggested she put her hand in the incubator and talk to him. He immediately put his little hand on her arm, which made for a very tender moment. He was holding the bracelet on Dr. Mc's arm. Big Daddy Nick gave her the bracelet after Aulay was born. Engraved on the front is: Aulay Evan Zamora 8-19-2014.

Today I'm creating another trip to the hospital with Dr. Mc. We're going around 8 p.m. Hopefully she'll be able to cuddle with him tonight.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Aulay, Day 40

I did find something to wear last night so Mr. B and I went to all three functions we were invited to attend. Dinner (if you can call it that) was at a home in River Oaks. Instead of "real food" the couple served light bites that were all finger foods. The wife was Danish as was the artwork in huge gold, museum-like frames. I didn't go upstairs, but downstairs there were at least four sitting areas that were filled with collectibles. It's safe to say that no small children live or visit the home.

I have been lazing around so far today. Big Daddy Nick is performing in Dallas tonight, so instead of going to the hospital during the day, I'm going tonight with Dr. Mc. They go nightly from about 10:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. I'll be able to see the little man out of his incubator while his mommy holds him. Dr. Mc is taking bets about whether or not I can stay awake.

Today I'm creating a clean bedroom. People keep telling me not to worry about anything except family right now, but I'm going to have to spend sometime this afternoon clearing off the bed in the guest room in case Dr. Mc decides to have a sleepover tonight. Maybe I'll find the pair of black shoes that are missing. I'm beginning to think they got left in Santa Fe. Fortunately I live by one of my mother's favorite theories that women can never have enough black shoes or white shirts. If I can't find the black shoes I want, there are a least a dozen or more other pairs in the house.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Aulay, Day 39

I think I heard him say, "Oy vey!"
I was lazy this morning and didn't want to get up or drive to the hospital. I finally showered and dressed by telling myself that if that little man can fight for life, I can drive to the hospital to encourage him. Once I was there, I was happy to see him. The little man was well and the story is that he is transferring to NICU Level II tomorrow or Sunday. This is a positive sign of the progress he is making.

Since I'm a stress eater and because I've been under stress for almost six weeks, I've been putting on the pounds. I looked at myself in the mirror this afternoon and didn't like what I saw. I have to get back to healthier eating habits. In the meantime, Mr. B and I have three events to attend tonight and I'm not excited about attending any of them because of the way I look. Sad story.

Today I'm creating a meeting to discuss non-profit projects. Lately the days seem fewer and fewer when I'm actually creating anything of merit. I need to change that. I'm excited about Aulay's progress, but depressed about my backtracking.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Aulay, Day 38

There was lots of activity today in section E of NICU III. In fact, everything changed except for Aulay. There were two new micro-preemies, which are babies who have a birth weight up to three pounds, and a crib change for another baby. Our little man must have been bothered by all the activity because he kept his hand over his eye most of the time I was there, except when he would put his thumb in his mouth. I realized today that he has lost tons of hair. As with most premature babies, when he was born he had peach fuzz all over him. As of today, I no longer feel the need to have his back waxed (ha … just a little granny humor about waxing him).

Today I also feel the need to mention my older brother who was born on September 25, 1950 and died on December 7, 2004. Bryan was a big man who loved babies and little children as much as I do. It makes me sad that Bryan died shortly after his first grandson (and namesake) was born, which meant that he wasn't alive for the births of his three other grandsons and two granddaughters, and his great-nephew Aulay. Not a day goes by that I don't think about Bryan and my deceased parents.

Today I'm creating event emails and e-blasts. Tonight Mr. B and I are going to dinner with Dr. Mc and Big Daddy Nick.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Aulay, Day 37

Wiggling around, trying to find his comfy sleeping spot.
I was trying to get to the hospital in time for Aulay's morning assessment, changing and feeding, but missed it by about 15 minutes. When I got there the little man was trying to find his comfy spot to settle into for his feeding. When he finally stopped wiggling he got the hiccups, which was adorable to watch. He would hiccup three or four times and then make a silly face and a cute, high-pitched baby grunt. This went on for a few minutes before he got frustrated and started crying. I just wanted to grab him out of the incubator and rock him until the hiccups were gone. Soon.

I'm a little weepy today so I didn't stay at the hospital this morning but 30-45 minutes. That's OK because I have so much to do at home.

Today I'm creating a lengthy to-do list. I feel a little bit overwhelmed right now. I've been back in Houston for a little more than a month, most of the time on the go. Jotting down notes on a pad of paper will help me focus on what I've been ignoring. I'll also feel better when I scratch off items on the to-do list.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Aulay, Day 36; No CPAP required!

Little striped britches.
Aulay is developing so quickly right now. As of today he no longer needs his CPAP, which stands for continuous positive air pressure. It's the mask-like device with a machine that pushes air into the nostrils to keep the airway open. He does have oxygen going into his nose, but air pressure isn't used any longer. This is good news. Also good news, the little man had his eyes tested today and the results showed no abnormalities. The nurse told me that she thinks the little prince will be moved to Level II this weekend. 

I was there for the wee one's 2 p.m. assessment, changing and feeding. The assessment went well, meaning his vital sounds are good. The changing of his diaper was good because it was full of poopy. Soon after his diaper was changed, he did it again. All this "action" required a change of clothing. For the first time the nurse put long pants on him. I took the pic-of-the-day at a terrible angle so as not to get in the way of the nurse. His bottom really wasn't higher than his head as it appears in the picture. It was just the crazy angle.

Today I'm creating a bio or two, proofing the coffee table book, and attending the initial meeting for an event on February 13, 2015. I spent about an hour and a half at the hospital, went to the grocery store, and then sent out an e-blast. I've been so busy I'll probably need a nap! 

Monday, September 22, 2014

Aulay, Day 35

It's hard to see his hair in this photo.
The night nurse yesterday took a picture of Aulay while changing his feeding tube. Look at those beautiful full lips. He is definitely think he wants a kiss from me and his other grandparents. Soon little man. Soon.

As of last night the little man weighed 3 lbs. 3 ozs. He is 14.75"long. His red blood count is up. And, of course, he is still the cutest wee one in the hospital! He was put in a new incubator last night that he can stay in when he is moved to Level II in the NICU. We are keeping our fingers crossed that he can make the move sometime this week or next. When he gets to Level II he'll be a little closer to being able to go home. Keep growing and getting stronger, little prince.

Today I'm creating dinner for Mr. B and proofing the coffee table book I'm working on with several other people. It's hopeful that the book will go to print at the end of this month. Oh happy day!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Aulay, Day 34

Dr. Mc sent me the pic-of-the-day. The top photo is her when she was about six months old. On the bottom is the wee one last week at one month old. Does he look like his mama or what?
It official. The little prince looks like his mama.

On the agenda for the little prince this week is to ween him off of his CPAP. Once he does that, he will be moved from NICU level III to level II. I'm still looking forward to seeing Aulay's entire face, without tubes going into his nose and mouth. I know he will be even more handsome than he is now.

Today I'm creating set up and food for an artist reception. Mr. B (a.k.a. the Grill Master) worked his magic on eight pork tenderloins, which were sliced and served with rolls and mustards. The little sandwiches were beyond delicious! I made a pasta and fruit salad, plus sugar and chocolate chip cookies. We drank bellinis and white wine. During the artists reception, so many people asked about the little prince. It's wonderful to know that people are reading what I write about him and praying for him. 

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Aulay, Day 33

Aulay finally got the purple binky out of the way so he
could put his thumb in his mouth. He was very determined!
The little man was sleeping when I got to the hospital around noon today, and he slept for about an hour. When he woke up he was cranky, so the nurse repositioned him and put a pacifier in his mouth. He didn't like that either! He squirmed around until he finally got the pacifier out of his mouth and his thumb in its place. I don't know if Big Daddy Nick sucked his thumb when he was a baby, but I know first hand that Dr. Mc did.

Mr. B didn't go with me to the hospital because his blood pressure was high again. It's not as high as it was a couple of weeks ago when he was in the hospital, but instead of going to the hospital Mr. B took a nap with Rose. When I got home they both seemed very rested.

Today I'm creating the setup for part of the artist reception that is taking place tomorrow. I still need to go to the store and do some baking and flower arranging, but first I think I might have a nap myself.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Aulay, Day 32; Happy one month birthday to the little prince

He was reaching for something and determined to get it.
I've always felt I'm blessed, but never more than I have the past month. One month ago I had plenty of tears getting from Santa Fe to ABQ to catch a plane. I had more tears during the two hour flight from ABQ to HOU. There were more tears as I looked at the little prince for the first time with lots of tubes going into his tiny body. But from the time that he opened his little eyes on August 19, and looked up at me, I've had only tears of joy for the little man. He is an additional blessing in my life and I thank God each and every day for the little miracle Aulay!

When I got to the hospital this morning, Aulay was awake and alert. This seems to be the case more and more. Unfortunately, when he sleeps he forgets to breathe sometimes, but this is becoming less and less of a problem. I was probably at the hospital for two hours and the monitor only sounded once. There was a time when the monitor would beep three times an hour, so the little man is doing much better. He looked really cute today in a pale blue shirt with a nautical theme. Then again, he looks cute in everything!

Today I'm creating the final plans for an event on Sunday. I'm looking forward to the artist reception featuring new works by a photographer and a ceramist.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Aulay, Day 31

Dr. Mc and Big Daddy Nick took more clothes
to the hospital last night. Aulay looks a little
stiff in his new preemie britches.
The little prince is having another blood test today to check the number of red blood cells (RBCs) he is producing. The RBCs are necessary to carry oxygen through our bodies. Just as is the case with adults when there aren't enough RBCs, the result is anemia. Although his RBCs count is up, if he isn't producing enough Aulay may need a blood transfusion. This has been something doctors have considered for several weeks, so I've read about what happens. Doctors and mothers have written that after preemies have the procedure done it's as if they had a permanent shot of Red Bull. Of course the babies feel better because they have more RBCs. This procedure would probably allow Aulay to get off the CPAP machine that's used to treat preemies whose lungs haven't fully developed. 

Another "milestone" that should happen in the next two to three weeks is bottle feeding. I'm hoping that when it's time for this that I'll be able to hold and feed him. That will be a milestone for me!

Today I'm creating a quiet day at home. It's pouring down rain and flooding in parts of Houston. I keep watching weather reports, hoping that the rain will stop so I can go visit the little man. Unfortunately, heavy rain and thunderstorms are forecast for today and tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Aulay, Day 30; Another milestone in his life

I could hardly wait to get home from the hospital today after my visit with the little prince so I could blog about him. When I got to NICU and pulled up the cover on his incubator, I immediately laughed out loud. Usually he just has on a diaper, but today, for the first time, he was wearing a onesie and looking extra cute. As the nurse was coming towards me, I  said, "He is wearing clothes!" She explained that Aulay is now able to regulate his own body temperature, so they turned down the heater in the incubator and put clothes on him.

It's like he was waiting for me to get to the hospital for our visit. He was alert and his eyes were open for almost my entire visit. If I do say so myself, he's looking more and more like a little baby boy instead of a tiny baby doll. It seems as if he is putting on an ounce a day now. As of last night, his weight was 3 lbs.

Today I'm creating time to attend a luncheon. After my visit with the little prince I came home to work on a holiday project I'm coordinating for a non-profit. I'm also working on a coffee table book about the 10th anniversary of Winter Street Studios. I need three artists to call me, but they aren't responding to my emails or voicemails. Arg!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Aulay, Four Weeks Old Today!

This cute picture of the little prince was taken about a week
ago. He was trying to get his thumb in his mouth, but it didn't
fit with the feeding tube also in his mouth. Silly boy!
I have to say that the time of Aulay being in the hospital is going by faster than I anticipated. He was born four weeks ago today and continues to be the little miracle boy to the family. I know that Dr. Mc and Big Daddy Nick would be happier if the little prince was at home with them. That time will be here before we know it.

Both Mr. B and Dr. Mc went to work today, which made me very happy. Both have received good reports for their doctors and were released to return to work. When the little man is released from the hospital, Dr. Mc will take more time off. If it works out as planned, she may be home through the holidays.

Today I'm creating various communications for my Tuesday client. Organizing events. Writing press releases. Scheduling vendors. It's all good.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Aulay, Day 28

Sleeping after his noon feeding.
Mr. B had his stress test this morning and all is well! While it's still frustrating that no doctor has been able to give us a definitive answer regarding why his blood pressure was high and his heart rate was so low, they can find nothing wrong with Mr. B. His heart muscle is strong and he doesn't have any clogged arteries. Medication has brought his blood pressure down. His heart rate is still low, but he doesn't need a pacemaker. He'll have another checkup in six months.

While Mr. B was having his stress test, I was at the hospital visiting with the little prince. He has gained a pound since his birth on August 19. His red blood cell count is up, which is more good news. He is still having a problem with reflux, which I've read is a common gastrointestinal problem in premature infants. When babies are bigger and don't use a feeding tube, burping helps with this problem. For now, his feeding time is being lengthened from 60 minutes to 90 minutes to give him more time to digest. This is just another issue that will probably go away as Aulay's organs develop.

Today I'm creating another baby blanket, or at least cutting it out of fabric. This time I'm making a UT fleece blanket. The wee one will need it for his incubator before the game on September 27, when Texas plays KU. Since both of Aulay's parents are graduates of UT, I have a feeling that Hook 'em will be part of his vocabulary. 

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Aulay, Day 27

Yesterday I was able to finish the Texans blanket for the little man's incubator. I went to the hospital around 5 p.m. to take it to him. You can't tell from the photo, but the underneath is red fleece with big white dots. The Texans fabric, which is also fleece, is authorized by the NFL, but not the underneath fabric. I think it would be really cute if the team wore red pants with white dots, but I don't think that will happen anytime soon.

Aulay was feeding and sleeping while I was at the hospital yesterday. I love just watching him. Yesterday I think he was saving his energy for when Dr. Mc and Big Daddy Nick came to see and hold him after I left.

Today I'm creating an afternoon with some friends. Yesterday I had lunch with my friend Kim P. She and I met in 1995, while I was working in corporate communications and she was working for our advertising agency of record. We don't see each other enough, but are always able to pick up where we left off when we do get together. I appreciated her reaching out to me recently and offering  support. As Dionne Warwick sang, "That's what friends are for." I'm blessed to have so many caring friends in my life!

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Aulay, Day 26

Great picture of Nick and Aulay taken by Dr. Mc.
Dr. Mc and I were at the hospital yesterday to visit with the wee one. There was another scan, or maybe it was an ultrasound, on Aulay's head to check on brain hemorrhages. The results were the same as the one done when he was 10 days old. He has one hemorrhage that's resolving itself without intervention. This is terrific news! When we were there he really didn't open his eyes much, but that's OK. He needs to reserve his strength to grow stronger. Dr. Mc and Nick go together every night to see Aulay. It's great family time for the three of them. They alternate who holds him and the other one takes the most awesome photos of cuddle time.

Mr. B went back to the cardiologist yesterday to have his monitor removed. Then he went to his office. The owner of the company is being so wonderful. He told Byron that he wants him to take as much time as he needs to get well before he returns to work. Mr. B probably spent four hours at the office yesterday. I think everyone was happy to see him. He said he spent time showing everyone photos of Aulay that he has on his iPhone. Such a proud grandpa!

Today I'm creating a Texans' blanket to put on the little prince's incubator. I went to the store yesterday and got fabric licensed by the Texans and the Longhorns. Hopefully I'll finish the Texans' blanket before the game on Sunday. Next week I will work on the UT blanket. Aulay is going to have to learn to watch sports with Big Daddy Nick.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Aulay, Day 25

I love looking at his little blonde head. So sweet!
I've been posting photos of the little man's face, but yesterday when I was visiting him with Dr. Mc, I took this picture of his little booty. And what a cute little bottom! He loves to get on his knees and put his bum in the air. I asked the nurse yesterday about the oxygen that continues to flow in his incubator. She said it is such a low amount that it shouldn't bother his eyes, which is a concern with preemies. More good news about the little prince.

Mr. B is trying a half day of work today. I'm not in favor of this, but at the same time I don't want him to get stressed out about missing work. He never misses work so I know he is concerned about what's piling up on his desk since he has now missed a week at the office.

Today I'm creating a morning at the hospital with Dr. Mc. In the afternoon and again on Saturday I'd like to be at my sewing machine working on a quilt. I have two tops pieced and I'd like to machine quilt one of them.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Aulay, Day 24

I'm so excited that Mr. B saw a cardiologist this morning. He has to wear a monitor for 24 hours and then take stress test on Monday. So although we don't know what is going on yet, at least something is happening.

The "wee one" was toying with me last night. He was on his stomach and I could only see one of his eyes. I know it's not possible, but it sure looked like he was smiling and winking at me. He also had his little arm and hand free. Sometimes he seemed to wave at me. I know he can't wave, either, but a tired grandmother with a great imagination can dream.

Today I'm creating a morning visit to see the little prince. Then I have errands to run including a trip to the grocery store. Grocery shopping is normally something that Mr. B does (and enjoys), but it won't hurt me to do it, especially if I go in the early afternoon before the after-work crowd arrives.

Aulay, Day 23

Although I'm a "word person" I'm without words to express the love and appreciation I have for everyone who continues to send prayers and well wishes for Aulay and his family. He is now three weeks old and so many people continue to read about him and post positive thoughts. Every night when I visit with the little prince, I tell him about all of you and keep him updated on your kindness.

The little man's eyes weren't open very much last night, but he was still wiggly and cute. I like it when he opens his eyes, but think when his eyes are closed he is concentrating on growing big and strong. The #1 concern for Aulay right now is the oxygen he is receiving in the incubator. If he stays on the oxygen for too long it might damage his eyes. To me, this is not a problem. I'm sure the little prince can "rock" a pair of tiny blue glasses. Other than that, Aulay just needs to continue growing and gaining weight.

Today I'm creating time to spend with Mr. B. The cardiologist who was recommended by his internist can't see him until September 25. This timing is too far out for me. I want my sweet hubby to feel better!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Aulay, Day 22

Aulay and me.
The little prince was born three weeks ago today. He has changed the lives of so many people! I'm not sure how it is possible, but I love him more every day.

I had a terrific visit with him last night. He was alert and wiggly for most of the hour I was there. Fairly soon after I got there, the nurse said she was going to do his assessment, which includes taking his vital signs, changing his diaper, and feeding him (through the tube that goes to his stomach). She opened the top of his incubator, which meant that I was able to touch the sweet boy. After she took his vital signs, the nurse asked if I wanted to change his diaper. This sounds crazy, but what a treat for me! I had removed his diaper and cleaned him up when he decided to pee on the nurse. That meant that I got to clean him again before putting a new diaper on him. I explained to Aulay that I didn't have experience with little boys, since I had two daughters, but that I would learn and get faster. Before the nurse put the lid back down on his incubator, she asked if I had a picture with him. I said no so she took one (pic-of-the-day, week, month, year, decade, etc.).

Today I'm creating a morning at my client's office. I'm hoping that when I'm finished, Mr. B will have made an appointment with the cardiologist he was referred to late yesterday afternoon. While he is in good spirits, I can tell that he isn't feeling 100%. Love you Mr. B and little prince.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Aulay, Day 21

The little prince is more responsive and alert as he grows stronger.
I'm always anxious to hear the Sunday night reports about the little man's growth. As of yesterday, he is 2 lbs. 7 oz. and just over 14 inches in length. While these are still low numbers, we're so excited about how he is growing. He still has many, many weeks to spend in NICU before his release from the hospital, but we are thankful for the continued good reports on his progress.

Mr. B's health is lingering about the same. He is still sometimes light headed, which makes me not want to leave his side. He is making an appointment today with a cardiologist for a stress test.  I'm hoping that when he is examined by a specialist we'll be able to get some answers.

Today I'm creating a finished baby quilt. I started several quilts during the summer while I was in Santa Fe. The fronts are all pieced together. Although I wanted to finish quilting them before I came back to Houston, my early and unexpected departure from the high desert didn't allow time for that.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Aulay, Day 20; Mr. B, Home, Sweet Home

Mother and child.
Mr. B was released from the hospital yesterday afternoon, which made him much happier than it did me. I expected doctors to figure out what is wrong and fix his problem(s). Instead, Mr. B was sent home with no solutions. I'm not sure I can explain my frustration with the situation. There's something wrong with Mr. B and no one can tell us what it is or how I can help him. Maybe my frustration is actually fear? Or helplessness?

My place is with Mr. B right now. I haven't seen my little prince since Thursday. Doctors know what his problems are and they are working to get him stronger. Aulay is in good hands. I stare at new photos that are posted by family and smile at the images of his sweet little face.

Today I'm creating a cleaner house. Just before I came home from Santa Fe, Mr. B had the living and dining rooms painted. That means that artwork is sitting on the floor unhung and other items are displaced. When Mr. B brought my stuff back from the casita in Santa Fe, the car was unloaded and most items remain where he dropped them. It's time I did some cleaning up and de-cluttering.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Aulay, Day 19; Mr. B, Day 2

First an update on Mr. B. There was test after test after test on Friday. He was hoping to go home, but I knew that wasn't going to happen. Sure enough, there was one last test to determine if there is blockage in his arteries that wasn't done. We haven't heard any results on all the other tests that were done on Friday, so I think doctors haven't found anything. His blood pressure is now high and his heart rate is now only low, not extremely low. He is frustrated and grumpy. He isn't going to make his normal Saturday morning breakfast with his buddy Keith. And there is a big art fair at the convention center this weekend that he wants to attend, but I don't see that happening. After two days in the hospital, I don't think he'll have the strength to walk around the convention center.

Aulay's temperature was better on Friday and
Nick was able to hold him. Yes, that's Nick's
hairy chest in the photo, not Dr. Mc's.
I didn't make it to the hospital to see Aulay on Friday, so I really don't have a report on him. I feel guilty about not visiting with the little prince, but felt I should stay with Mr. B. I know Aulay's other grandparents visited with him plus Dr. Mc and Nick were going late afternoon, having dinner and then going back to the hospital. I just keep hearing Aulay is fine and I should take care of Mr. B. Dr. Mc said the nurse who came into NICU on Thursday to tell me about Byron asked last night how he is doing.

Today I'm creating … probably nothing. I'm hoping that we'll learn whatever is causing Mr. B's health issues before he is discharged from the hospital. I hope to go see Aulay in the afternoon. And since I wasn't able to sleep last night, I'm also hoping there will be time for an afternoon nap.

Aulay, Day 18; Mr. B, Day 1

Mr. B came home from work and we had dinner before heading to the hospital to see the little prince. He was again alert when we got to NICU. We were laughing because he was laying there so casually with his ankles crossed. Of course his arms were stretched out. I think he was celebrating that three IVs were removed from his left arm. He receives oxygen through the tube in this nose plus breast milk and other nutrients through the tube in his mouth that goes down to his stomach. His temperature was a little low last night so he had that big silly hat on his head. It looks like he is trying to pull it off with his right hand, but not so fast little prince!

When I was talking to Aulay, Mr. B said he felt light headed and was going to the waiting room to sit down. About five minutes later a nurse came to get me because Mr. B had collapsed in the hallway. I went running to find him kneeling on the floor with two doctors and several nurses around him. They put him in a wheelchair and took him to the emergency room. His blood pressure was low and his heart rate was extremely low. After four hours in the emergency room at Woman's Hospital of Texas (can't wait until the insurance company gets that invoice), he was transferred by ambulance to St. Joseph Hospital. He was supposed to go directly to a room, but instead we spent another three hours in St. Joe's emergency room. He finally got to his room around 4 a.m. At that time, the nurses on the floor and doctor on duty came in with questions we had already answered at least four times. In simple terms, his low heart rate is keeping blood and oxygen from getting to his brain, which made him light headed. The doctor said they would run tests today on Mr. B's chest and brain to see if there are blockages. Let me say this: Aulay is a much better patient than Mr. B!

Today I'm creating a full day at the hospitals. We got to sleep (me in a chair) around 5 a.m. Nurses and technicians started coming in at 5:45 a.m. and they didn't stop until 9 a.m. I left around 10:30 a.m. to go home and change clothes (there's nothing worse than sleeping in linen). I'm going to pack a few things for Mr. B before going to see Aulay and then heading back to Mr. B at St. Joe's.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Aulay, Day 17

I'm obsessed with this guy!
I was trying something different today. I wanted to post a video of Aulay, but it didn't work. Blogger doesn't allow "mp4" to be uploaded. Still, you can see a close-up photo of the handsome little man.

We heard that he might have a blood transfusion today, but that test and decision has been postponed until Monday. Many preemies lack the number of red blood cells (RBCs) necessary to carry adequate oxygen to their bodies. This complication (anemia), is easily diagnosed through lab tests. Premature infants, especially those who weigh less than 1,000 grams (2.2 pounds) at birth, often need red blood cell transfusions.

Today I'm creating an evening visit to see the little man with Mr. B. I need to start calling people for lunch. If I'm at home by myself I spend too much time reading about preemies. This little man is a fighter and is overcoming anything that is thrown at him. It doesn't due me or the situation any good to isolate myself from friends and support. 

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Aulay, Day 16

Dr. Mc looks so content holding her little man.
My family is so appreciative of the well wishes, blessings and prayers we are receiving for the little man. I'm already beginning to plan a "sip-and-see" for Aulay after he is home and safe in our arms. Mr. B and I will invite people to come by our house, see the little man in all his glory, and enjoy a sip of something delicious.

I love the photos that Dr. Mc and Nick take of each other holding Aulay. The one I'm posting today of my daughter holding her son makes me smile and cry every time I look at it. How time has flown since January 3, 1980, when I delivered the little blonde cutie named Kendall. How sweet it is to see her cradling her little man with his tiny little fingers resting on her chest. She and Nick are such loving parents to the tiny little man who is getting stronger every day. I'm happy to write that, except for one instance, we continue to receive wonderful reports about his health and progress.

Today I'm creating lunch with Dr. Mc, Nick and Kendall's godmother Melissa (a.k.a. Mitzie). It should be fun and relaxing. I didn't sleep last night because Mr. B wasn't feeling well. His blood pressure was so high that he went to the emergency room. Doctors couldn't find anything wrong with him, but I still stayed awake all night listening to him breathe.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Aulay, Day 15

Just a little view of the prince with his eyes open last night.
Kendall had a great visit with her little man yesterday. Her stepmom, Sherry, took her around 4 p.m. to see him and he was full of life! They took several videos of him with his eyes open and yawning. His arms and legs were stretched out and he was just so awake. I could tell the change in Kendall's mood whenever she sees him.

Mr. B and I went to the hospital around 8 p.m. last night for a visit with the little man. By that time he was still adorable, of course, but tuckered out. He was in a deep sleep and barely opened his eyes. We've learned that in a premature baby, the part of the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) that controls breathing is not yet mature enough to allow nonstop breathing. This causes large bursts of breath followed by periods of shallow breathing or stopped breathing. The apnea goes away on its own as the infant matures, but no doubt about it — it's frightening while it's happening.

Today I'm creating the distribution of a media release. First I took Dr. Mc to see the little man. He was having his afternoon feeding so we just sat and watched him sleep most of the time. Then I took Kendall to the drugstore before taking her home so she could have a nap and some down time. Rose is doing the same.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Aulay, Day 14: The first two weeks

He looks good, then the monitors start beeping and we are
pulled back into reality that he is still so tiny and fragile.
It's crazy to think it was only two weeks ago tonight that Dr. Mc was admitted to the hospital. Eighteen hours later, and three months ahead of schedule, she and Nick were parents. We have all been taking photos of the little man and I can really see his growth and progress during the past two weeks. At 2 lbs. 2 oz. and 13.4" long, he is so handsome and full of personality. In the picture I took of him yesterday with his hand on the back of his head, he looked as if he was smoothing his hair for a photo. Mr. B captioned the pic-of-the-day, "Wait, how's my hair?" And look at his little knee sticking up! It's so fun to watch this little man's progress!

On Sunday morning I talked to a friend who is an OB/GYN about Dr. Mc. He told me that the NICU will make sure Aulay is well cared for, and my job is to ensure that Kendall doesn't do too much. Although she seems to be doing well, her blood pressure could elevate if she is too active. This news disturbed me because she was walking around washing clothes last week and helping me in the kitchen. Although she looks good, I need to keep her quiet and resting.

Today I'm creating a finished blanket for Aulay. These simple projects seem like the perfect time to use my serger. This is the machine that I had to have before I went to Santa Fe in July yet I still haven't taken out of the box. Arg!