Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Were we better off without personal computers?

The view from my outdoor office under the
portal. The temp will be around 85 today.
It has been a frustrating morning because the Internet connection at the casita is running incredibly slow! I have lots of things I need to do today before I leave for a long weekend in Houston. And part of what I need to do involves a computer. Argh!

Both dogs came out on the portal with me this morning. They don't realize that tomorrow I'm taking them to the kennel to stay while I'm out of town. They shouldn't be too upset. They will have a doggie suite with indoor and outdoor space. Rose will love that she can go outside whenever she wants. Roz won't care because she doesn't like anything.

Today I'm creating a clean casita before I leave. Working outside this morning under the portal, I saw two hummingbirds. There is usually one male and two females here in August (I'm guessing their gender by their colors). The male can be very aggressive! He doesn't like the other hummingbirds around all the flowers. He is constantly chasing the two females away, but they are persistent and always come back.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

A woman's work is never done

These black & white earrings are so cute!
I went to the grocery store today because I was out of water and milk. They are two must haves for me. Whole Foods had the most fabulous looking salmon patties so I bought one to cook for dinner. Then I bought a small bit of quinoa salad to go with it. I didn't know that the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations had declared that the year 2013 should be recognized as "The International Year of the Quinoa." I guess I should eat more quinoa. I also got a tomato and an avocado for dinner. Yum!

Last night I matched fabrics that I have in Santa Fe. I decided what will be on the outside and what will be the lining. Then I made a tote bag. It turned out so cute! I had a fun time making the tote and want to sew more today. Step away from the sewing machine! I need to continue making jewelry. When I get back from Houston next week, I'll have fabrics matched and I'll be ready to go!

Today I'm creating the e-blast that I didn't do yesterday and I'm working on a bio. Then it's back to jewelry making for one last day. 

Monday, July 29, 2013

How lucky can one woman be?!?

A bad photo of a necklace I made yesterday.
I love the texture on the tin pieces.
I'm sitting outside in the shade of the portal with Rose. After breakfast and my shower I came out here to work. I must have been out here longer than I thought because my hair is now completely dry. It usually takes two hours or so for my hair to air dry. It's another great thing about the high desert. No hair dryer required.

I'm waiting to hear back from the woman who stayed with Roz and Rose last summer when I went back to Houston for a couple of days. If she doesn't call today, I'm going to have to find somewhere to board them in either Santa Fe or ABQ (my flight is out of ABQ on Thursday). I hope she calls because I know my furry little girls would rather be in their comfy casita instead of a kennel.

Today I'm creating a magazine article, copy for a magazine ad, and an e-blast. I've also thought of a new design for a tin necklace that I want to try it today. The e-blast doesn't have to be sent until Thursday, so it may fall to tomorrow's to-do list.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Terrific fun shopping flea markets

This studio of a painter is covered with odds and ins.
I don't like his artwork, but he studio is wonderful.
I received disappointing news this morning that my cousin, Leigh, who has been battling cancer for two years, isn't doing well. Her younger sister, Susan, said today that Leigh is now receiving hospice care. Leigh is still staying with Susan and their youngest sister and her husband are also helping out. They're trying to keep Leigh at Susan's home for a long as possible before she goes to a hospice facility. Hopefully I'll be able to see Leigh when I'm in Houston next weekend. The last time I visited the three of us had a great time talking and reminiscing.

It was a beautiful morning to visit the flea markets around Santa Fe, but almost the minute I started home it began pouring down rain. Crazy rain with thunder and lightning in the middle of the day. Then in an hour or so, the skies were blue again. Rose and I spent time outside under the portal after the rain stopped. It's so nice and cool. NO mosquitos!

Today I'm creating jewelry. I was going to clean house this afternoon, but decided to make jewelry instead. Now it's the end of the day and I think I'll have an adult beverage!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Hola, Spanish Market

Street scenes from the Spanish Market.
This weekend is the Spanish Market around the Santa Fe Plaza. The Traditional Spanish Market began 62 years ago. Twenty-seven years ago, a group broke off and formed the Contemporary Hispanic Market, which is held at the same time on different downtown streets. The two markets actually compliment each other. One market honors and reflects the history and culture of Spanish colonial art while the other showcases modern Hispanic culture and art. I'm not crazy about most of the artwork in either market, but like the Contemporary Hispanic Market better.

Nice market of 135 artists. Nice, but no comparison
to the Bayou City Art Festival.
After the market I did some alfresco dining at a lovely downtown restaurant. My lunch and the weather were perfect! Then I walked into some of my favorite downtown stores, all of which claimed to be having sales. Ha! I walked out of every store without anything new. Good for me! Especially since I bought #1 son-in-law Nick's Christmas present at the Contemporary Hispanic Market. Cool!

Today I'm creating nothing. I've taken the day off from making jewelry, pillows and handbags. I did, however, take a nap with the fluffy little dogs when I got home.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Here comes the rain (again)

It rained so long and hard last night that I thought I was back in Houston. Around 10:45 p.m. there was a flash and the electricity was gone and didn't come back on for five hours. After about 30 minutes of laying in the dark, listening to the thunder, lightning, rain and Rose's snoring, I got out of bed to get a flashlight and candles from the kitchen. When I got to the bedroom door, I tripped over Rose and fell forward, hitting the corner of a bench that's in the hallway. Cursing, I got up and made it to the flashlight and candles. On my way back to the bedroom, I saw blood drops on my nightshirt, which made me realize I had busted my chin open. This morning when I looked in the mirror, I saw a huge scab on my chin, plus a scratch mark. Great! It looks like I had a great big zit on my face.

The rain is pouring off the portal roof.
I made it to an estate sale this afternoon and found some treasures. A couple of holiday tins for $1 each. Some nice sewing scissors for a total of $4. A Dremel rotary tool in a carrying case for $20 (I recently paid $80+ my Dremel and accessories). A staple gun in a case for $5 (I can't believe that we've owned this house for almost six years and I haven't had a staple gun here). I magnifying glass on a stand (this will be great when I trying to thread a needle). Oh, and I bought a small flashlight what I'm going to keep in the bedroom.

Today I'm creating jewelry. I also went to the grocery store this afternoon, which was a mistake because I was hungry. I was going to get a couple of items, and instead spent almost $90. The trick will be not to eat everything tonight! Here comes the thunder, lightning and rain again. The television has already lost its signal. I need to get my stash of flashlights and candles ready! 

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Resisting the urge

Another photo of the garden. The angel holds bird seed.
Right now, I'm incredibly tempted to eat something unhealthy for dinner tonight. Or at least drink some wine. But my lifestyle of healthy eating doesn't allow for either on a Thursday night. What to do. What to do. BEHAVE!

One of the little four-legged girls who share the casita with me decided to urinate on the rug in the main room earlier this week. I was not happy with her (Roz). She doesn't like the pebbles on the walkway or the larger rocks in the driveway, so unless I catch her and drag her outside she'd rather not go. For example, this morning I saw her in the dining room and by the time I got her leash, she was gone. I looked in one of her usual hiding places, and there she was behind the couch. Back to the urine on the rug, I read online that a way to get rid of the smell is to put down three fabric softener sheets and spread coffee on top of them over the spot. It worked great! I left it on the rug overnight and the smell seems to be gone.

Today I'm creating tin jewelry. Last night I cut out some tin and matched fabrics to use on handbags. My goal is to be creative today, but I'm struggling to get motivated. Maybe after I eat my healthy dinner I'd get excited about working with the new pieces of tin.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The magical Land of Enchantment

I held the camera over my head to take a photo of the buds
on one of the sunflower plants. Once opened, some of the
flowers can be the size of someone's face. 
The gardens at the casita are so beautiful this summer! I'm waiting for the sunflowers to bloom in the front garden. Some of the stocks are taller than me and all are filled with buds ready to explode. Much of the lavender is also taller than me. Tiny bumble bees are everywhere spreading their joy. I haven't seen but one hummingbird this year. They usually arrive in August, so they will be here soon.

There is a company out of ABQ that does estate sales there and in Santa Fe. I received a notice today about an auction this weekend in SFe. I'm so excited! It's close to the house and the online photos showed lots of treasures. Maybe I'll find some tins? For the auctions from this company, there is always a charge of $1 to attend the on the first day. I've gladly paid a buck to get a first look.

Today I'm creating a pillow or two and cutting up tin. I also plan to pull out the vacuum for a quick spin around the casita. There are burlap strings and threads all over the main room and dining room that need to be removed because Roz and Rose are collecting them in their hair and transporting them to other rooms.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

A busy Tuesday

Recycled gunny sacks transformed into new burlap pillows.
The dogs woke me up at 5:30 a.m. wanting to go outside. I told them to go back to sleep, but it didn't work. After their walk, I couldn't go back to sleep, so we all had breakfast and then I started working.

My Tuesday morning conference call came at 9 a.m. MDT. It was an hour holding the phone up to my ear with my left hand and taking notes with my right hand. Next came follow-up emails for an hour before heading out to have pictures taken of my jewelry. Now that I have the photos taken, there's really no excuse for me to not enter the Recycle Santa Fe Art Festival on Nov. 15-17, except my nerves! I'm nervous that my jewelry, pillows and handbags (I decided to enter handbags instead aprons) won't be accepted into the festival. Or maybe if I get accepted into the market, my recycled items won't be bought by attendees. Oh self doubt, you're a disappointing part of me!

Today I'm creating plans for a White Linen Night party for my client. I finally got the budget and go ahead, so I spent much of the afternoon organizing the budget, sending emails and making phone calls. It's going to be a great party!

Monday, July 22, 2013

July 22, 2013

A couple brought their two large dogs to the
dinner party. Not something I would do!
This is what happens when I don't fast on Sundays. I gained two pounds from yesterday to this morning. I really hate it when that happens. I'm sure drinking wine last night didn't help. I'm hoping those two pounds will be gone tomorrow if I stick to meatless Monday and drink tons of water today.

I went to a dinner party last night. Everyone was supposed to bring a salad, so I made a pasta salad – using whole wheat pasta. I added cherry tomatoes, yellow squash and used a vinaigrette to dress the salad. It was good, but the potato salad using different kinds of potatoes was better. The dressing was creamy mustard and dill. I need to remember that the next time I make potato salad.

Today I'm creating two pillows and aprons. I'm entering the Santa Fe Recycle Market, which is in mid-November. I want to enter tin jewelry, burlap pillows made from old sacks, and aprons made from vintage flour and sugar sacks. Tomorrow I'm going to have them photographed, so I need to sew samples of the pillows and aprons today.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

July 20, 2013

View of the garden and front gate
from under the portal.
Earlier this summer I wrote about putting a wish out in the universe and then it comes true. I have an example of how this occurrence happened to me.

During my morning shower today I was thinking how bored I was last night. Even though Mr. B and I bought the casita for almost six years, I don't really know that many people in Santa Fe. It's hard to pick up the phone and say, "Hey, let's go do something." Then when I was cleaning the kitchen I was having the same thoughts and wishing I could meet more people. Just then the phone rang and it was a dinner invitation for tomorrow night. New people to meet. I'm excited!

Today I'm creating a trip to the fabric store to buy buttons. I have a long vest that I love, but it's missing a button. Since I'm a sewer, it's pretty sad that I haven't replaced the buttons (I'll have to replace all nine) in two years. But I'll fix that problem today and wear the vest tomorrow night to dinner. Cool!

Friday, July 19, 2013

July 19, 2013

I had such a fun time last night! I was invited to a party and viewing of the first show in the new season of Project Runway. The special guest at the party was the runner up from the last season, Patricia Michaels (see the pic-of-the-day). She lives in a pueblo (Native American village) outside of Taos, but her parents and daughter live in Santa Fe, so she is often here. It was great to talk to her and find out what's going on in her design career since the show. During commercials she would give us background info about Heidi (loved her), Nina (hot mess), Zac Posen (very kind and generous), Tim Gunn (just as nice as he appears on the show), the other designers, and tapings.

This morning I went with Debbie W to a woman's home in Eldorado. The woman sells collectibles, mostly ephemera. I went to see if she had any tin in her treasures. I bought one tin box, a vintage dress  pattern, an old suitcase (to use in my displays), and two rusted wagons. Total was $40. This is so cool because I looked at one rusted wagon a couple of weeks ago and it was $45. The wagons will make great yard art! We stopped for lunch at Harry's Roadhouse. I met the one-and-only Harry, himself. During lunch it started raining. The thunder was terrible. Then came hail. When the hail stopped, Debbie and I ran to the car in the drizzle. Two hours later at the casita the thunder is still terrible and it's still drizzling. This is a good thing because Santa Fe really needs the rain.

Today I'm creating tin jewelry, then putting it away for a week. My back is killing me from leaning over my assembly tray. I've reached my goal of the number of pieces I want for White Linen Night to sell at Jubilee. I'll give my back a week off and then start again.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

July 18, 2013

Ay carumba! This tin is covered with The Simpsons'
characters. I can't wait to make fun jewelry out of it.
This past spring (?) I bought two new chairs for the casita. They are overstuffed swivel rockers that are fully upholstered in red toile. For about the past two hours I've been rocking in one with my legs and feet propped on the other. The windows are open and the cross ventilation is terrific. I'm so comfortable I think I could nap here, if my mind wasn't going 90 MPH.

So far today I've written a letter and postcard for a client. I've washed two loads of clothes and am getting ready to wash my sheet next. My little TV tray is filled with jewelry that I've designed and now need to put together. And I've dusted the house. It's a great day in Santa Fe!

Today I'm creating ideas for an event. Many years ago, when I first opened my freelance business, I met with a man who was interested in a marketing campaign. As had been my my practice, I met with him to discuss his needs and then had a follow-up meeting to present him with three concepts and an estimate for what it would costs to implement each of them. He had a fit and refused to pay for "concepts." I tried to explain to him that was part of the services he was receiving from me, but he was too clueless to understand. Of course he should pay for creative ideas when he was hiring me to produce a marketing campaign. I didn't work for that man, but learned a very valuable lesson. After that experience, I learned to show examples of prior work first, then provide an estimate for the needed services, and finally present concepts only after the estimate was approved and a deposit was made. I wasn't going to give ideas/concepts away again!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

July 17, 2013

The Dremel rotary tool is allowing me
to cut and finish different shapes of tin.
After two overcast days, the sun is shining and the clouds are white and fluffy in Santa Fe this morning. Birds are chirping. Rose is laying under the portal surveying her domain. I hear small bits of traffic up the road. Needless to say, all is well on my end!

Switching to a completely (and obscure topic) this morning I realized that my boobs are officially as I remember my grandmother's. No longer are they the perky and just below my collarbone as they were in my 20s. Nor are they in the middle of torso with a little bounce as they were in my 30s. Nor are they the bodacious set of tatas as they were in my 40s. Now they sag to my waist. (Sorry if this visual is too graphic!) So which should I do first? Have my double chin fixed? Have my saggy boobs fixed? Or buy a new car? Oh, just for good measure, I should also include on my wish list is to have laser surgery on my eyes so I can get rid of these reading glasses. Oh, decisions, decisions.

Today I'm creating a trip to Albiqui where Georgia O'Keeffe's Ghost Ranch is located. I've seen documentaries about her at her museum in Santa Fe. In one of the documentaries she said she found her soul in Santa Fe. I feel the same. However, now that I've walked the dogs and noticed how cold it is here, I may wait to go to Ghost Ranch until a warmer day.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

July 16, 2013

Mr. B bought a carton of eggs when he was here. He loves a lumberjack breakfast of scrambled eggs, bacon and biscuits. Today I checked the "best if used before" date on the carton: July 15. They should still be OK. Right? I boiled them.
More bracelets to come, but this is
one-of-a-kind just for me.
I have several used Calumet Baking Powder tins at the casita. I sometimes put flowers from the garden in them. One didn't hold water well, so today I cut it up and made a bracelet (see pic-of-the-day). I like it, even though it's not perfect. I spent way too much time creating it, so I'm going to keep it for myself. Now that I know the process it shouldn't take me so much time to make more out of other tins.

Today I'm creating tin jewelry. Besides spending two hours making the bracelet, I've also made a couple of necklaces. I have a goal set in my mind for how much jewelry I want to make before White Linen Night on Saturday, Aug. 3, in Houston. I'm about halfway to my goal.

Monday, July 15, 2013

July 15, 2013

Riveting Work
The skies above the high desert were filled with lightning and rain late yesterday and last night. Even this morning the sky is gray instead of its normal bright blue. Whether it rains or not, the high temperature will only be in the low 70s.

I treated myself yesterday to three new bras. It was past time! After washing a white bra so many times, it turns gray. Also, after losing weight my bras just weren't doing their job. I should have bought several more, but they're too expensive!

Today I'm creating tin jewelry. I tried something new yesterday and I'm excited to do more. I got a little rivet punch a couple of months ago. I finally read the directions yesterday and used it. It's not easy because the rivets are so small and my eyes are so bad. I also finally got a Dremel rotary tool with all the parts. I love it because it makes the edges of the tin smoother than I can do by hand. We'll name today, "Fun With Tin," or maybe simply "Riveting Work."

Sunday, July 14, 2013

July 14, 2013

On my to-do list for today was going to The Flea market to look for tins, as well as going to Art Santa Fe to look at artwork from around the world. However, considering the amount of money I spent yesterday at the International Folk Art Festival, I decided to stay home and avoid the temptation to spend more money.
Fun bags!

Speaking of the International Folk Art Festival, today's pic-of-the-day is of two bags I bought yesterday. A group of 25 Dominican women have gathered since 2005 to transform used plastic shopping bags into these fun totes. The sale of these bags helps support the women and their families, including educational programs. These women come from La Colonia, a struggling neighborhood in Cotui, Dominican Republic. Each bag was tagged with the name of the woman who made it. When I bought the bags I was given a photo of the women who made one I bought.

Today I'm creating tin jewelry, as well as a greater appreciation for struggles of all the artisans who took part in the folk art festival. After reading a card about the bags, I wish I had bought three instead of two. The sale of three bags feeds a family for a week or sends a child to school for a year. For that matter, I wish I had bought six or nine or 12 bags. I know my friends would love to receive them and I would enjoy further supporting such a worthwhile group effort! 

Saturday, July 13, 2013

July 13, 2013

Early at the folk art festival, looking from the upper level
down to the lower level.  Crowded, but fun!
I was so anxious to get to the International Folk Art Festival today that I woke up at 4 a.m. and couldn't go back to sleep. I got up at 6 a.m. to get dressed. Debbie W must have also be excited to get to the festival because she arrived about 10 minutes early to get me. Even though we were in line by 7 a.m., there were at least 100 people in front of us and probably 200 people behind us when the gate opened at 7:30 a.m. We had paid the early-bird price to get in 1.5 hours earlier than the 9 a.m. regular entrance time.

It was worth $50 to get in early. I love seeing the work that comes from different countries. There were so many beautiful textiles, which I enjoy so much. There were also lots of other fabulous work of every kind. After five hours Debbie and I left to have show and tell about what we each bought. Here's the only thing about buying gifts for people in the middle of the summer that is problematic: I like everything so much that I might decide to keep some things.

Today I'm creating tin jewelry, if I can get rid of my backache. When I got home, my back was hurting from carrying stuff around. Advil Liqui-Gels to the rescue.

Friday, July 12, 2013

July 12, 2013

Cool new tins.
It's Friday night and I just made myself a cocktail. I had a great day that began with washing two loads of clothes. Then I went downtown to walk around. By accident, I walked into Collected Works Bookstore & Coffeehouse just as a lecture by Patricia Stoddard started. She talked and showed slides of a fascinating quilting tradition found in southern Pakistan and neighboring western India. These quilts, called ralli, are stunning in their designs, brilliant in their colors, and intriguing in their history. The designs, which include patchwork, appliqué  and embroidered styles, are reminiscent of motifs found on painted pottery from the ancient civilizations of the area. She is sponsoring a group of women from Pakistan at the folk art festival tomorrow. I can't wait to see the textiles. She has also written a book, which I hope I can get tomorrow and have her autograph. 

Next I went to a resale shop and actually found a tin canister (see the pic-of-the-day). The cracker jack canister in the picture will provide great images for my up-cycled jewelry. Then I had lunch at a French bakery in town before having a pedicure and finally heading home to the doggies. 

Today I'm creating tin jewelry. I came home from my in-town travels and cut out several canisters. I'm constantly looking for different canisters so use for my jewelry. I'm going to Houston at the end of next week for a couple of days. Actually, Mr. B and I are going to Galveston where I have never looked for tins. Oh boy!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

July 11, 2013

Debbie W and I went to a preview of the folk
art market this afternoon. Amazing and beautiful
textiles coming from third world countries.
My morning was almost a mirror image of yesterday. It was cold when I got up to take the dogs outside so I put on a robe and walked them. I came back in the casita and crawled back in the warm bed and stayed there. One element of my morning was different. I had a late shower and was caught naked in the bedroom by friend Little Ricky. I ran behind the closet door, but I'm pretty sure he saw me without any clothes. I hope that sight didn't permanently scar him! Note to self: Close the curtain
on the back door before running around the house without clothes.

This afternoon I went to the last thrift shop in town. There wasn't any tin there, either, but I really like the store. Lots of cool items, including some fabric remnants.

Today I'm creating tin jewelry. I got a beautiful biscuit tin in the mail today. I can't wait to take my tin snips to it. Since the Dremel rotary tool was missing a part, I took it back and haven't gotten another one.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

July 10, 2013

It was cold this morning when the dogs woke me up to go outside. One of the good things about living on a private road is that I can put on a robe and take the dogs outside. There are only five houses on the road and three of them are unoccupied. Nobody cares if I walk the dogs in a robe.

After taking the dogs out I came back in the casita and crawled back in bed. Roz was more than happy to join me (see the pic-of-the-day). Yes, that black furry thing is Roz. Sometimes I think she would rather have a bath (which she hates) than have her picture taken. This is the reason there are more pictures of Rose than Roz. Anyway, I propped myself up and worked for a couple of hours while Roz took her morning nap.

Today I'm creating a visit to all the thrift stores in Santa Fe. It wasn't really that great of a feat because there aren't really that many thrift stores. Still, it's sad that I wasn't able to find a single tin canister. I have one more store to visit tomorrow. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

July 9, 2013

Rose enjoyed an afternoon nap while her mama
worked outside on her computer.
Tuesday clients don't go away simply because I'm in Santa Fe. No sir! Today I sat with a phone held to my ear for more than a hour. Phone in one hand. Pen in the other hand. Needless to say, my ear was red and sore at the end of the call. I completed my morning with a ton of follow-up emails.

Most of the afternoon was spent working on pro bono projects. I'm sad to say that a couple of projects aren't moving along as I would like. I don't like being the bad cop, but that's what might have to happen.

Today I'm creating a delicious lunch for myself. I made a simple tuna salad and served it to myself on top of three juicy slices of green tomato. Yum!

Monday, July 8, 2013

July 8, 2013

Arrangement with garden flowers and reading
materials left over on the portal from this morning.
I woke up this morning with a terrible headache. Could it be from all the pounding I did yesterday on tin? Or could it be because I stayed awake watching television until 4 a.m. and the dogs woke me up around 7:30 a.m. to go outside? Whatever the reason for the headache, I took two Excedrin and went back to bed. I woke up again around 11:15 a.m. with my head still throbbing.

Since I can't seem to get rid of this headache, I may take a shower and wash my hair. Surely a good hot shower and a head massage will take care of the problem.

Today I'm creating upcycled tin earrings. After I pounded the tin pieces yesterday, I matched several pairs of earrings, but didn't hook them together. That's on my agenda for today (along with getting rid of this headache).

Sunday, July 7, 2013

July 7, 2013

The water tower in the Railyard District. The area is filled with
tents and vendors during the farmer's market on Saturdays.
I just watched a documentary on the building of the Statute of Liberty and am now watching one on the creation of Mt. Rushmore. It's a very interesting and educational way to spend a lazy afternoon.

My fingers are always scraped, punctured and bandaged after I finish cutting out tin cans. A couple of friends suggested that I buy a Dremel rotary tool. Among the accessories that can be purchased are a cutting disc as well as a polishing tool. Sounds perfect! So off I went to buy a Dremel last night. I should have known not to buy a box that had been taped shut. Sure enough, it doesn't work. Bummer!

Today I'm creating flattened tins. I haven't returned the Dremel rotary tool and accessories yet so I cut and flattened the tins by hand. As usual, my fingers are scraped, punctured and bandaged.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

July 6, 2013 7+6=13

Mr. B relaxing on the portal (porch in Texas) before
returning to Houston.
Sadly, Mr. B went back to Houston last night. I don't know who was sadder that he was leaving the high desert: him or me.

I spent today with friends, traveling between some of my favorite places. We started the morning at the farmer's market. I was a good girl and avoided all the fabulous breads and cheeses sold there. I did buy some mixed salad greens, carrots and HUGE tomatoes. Then we went to a shop where none of them had been before. They loved it and helped support the Santa Fe economy with purchases. Then we went out to the Tesuque Flea Market by the Santa Fe Opera House. Not much there in my opinion. Back to town for a trip to the Traveler's Market, a late lunch, and a final stop downtown at Doodlet's (across the street from Pasquals).

Today I'm creating a day of shopping with friends. When I got home, the girls were really happy to see me! Personally, I'm waiting for the cocktail hour. Only three minutes to go!

Friday, July 5, 2013

July 5, 2013

Enjoying July 4th with friends.
We had a fun and festive July 4th getting the house and yard ready to entertain and then hosting a small group of friends. The grill master worked his magic on chicken. I made a patriotic salad (mixed salad greens with strawberries, blueberries and feta) and dill potato salad. Friend Debbie W. brought homemade biscuits. For dessert we had apple crumble and ice cream. Along the way, people enjoyed a beverage or two. And we could see the neighborhood fireworks from under the apricot tree. It was a pretty perfect evening!

Unfortunately Mr. B is flying back to Houston today. Tickets were twice as expensive to fly on Saturday or Sunday, so he's going back tonight. The furry girls and I will miss him!

Today I'm creating time to read the paper under the apricot tree. Forget the Sunday paper in Santa Fe. Here it's all about the Friday paper.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

July 3, 2013

Little pink and orange buds hiding in the garden.
Why, when I'm supposed to be on vacation, have I been sitting in front of my computer for the past six hours? It's because Internet services at the casita are terrible! Slow Internet service is the only bad thing I can find about being in the casita, so I shouldn't complain. But when I'm used to super fast service it's difficult to try and complete projects in slow motion.

This morning, before getting on the computer, I made a grocery list for Mr. B for tomorrow's dinner party. For some reason he seems to enjoy grocery shopping. Can it be? When he gets back I'm going to go to Home Depot with him. I guess that means I'll have to get out of my p.j.s and put on street clothes. Bummer!

Today I'm creating minutes from a meeting last week, reviewing suggestions for an upcoming event, sending e-blasts, writing and designing new e-blasts, and watching The Chew. I like that show so I try to stop doing whatever and sit for a hour. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I guess that about sums up life, too!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

July 2, 2013

Karma happens! On the way to Santa Fe, Dr. Mc called and told me about a family friend who is looking for a full-time job in the non-profit industry. Today I got an email about a job opening ... you guessed it ... in the non-profit industry. I can put the two parties together and hope for the best, whatever that is, for both of them. 
Enjoying the garden!

Mr. B has been planted on the sofa all day watching a James Bond marathon. This is so up his alley and just what he enjoys doing on vacation.

Today I'm creating a grocery list for July 4. We're having a few people over for dinner on Thursday. Being outside on July 4 in the cool temperature without mosquitos will remind me of being with Dr. Mc and #1 son-in-law Nick when they lived in Denver. Back then they were just Kendall and Nick.

Monday, July 1, 2013

July 1, 2013

This is what peace and calm look like.
Have I written today how much I love the high desert? It's so true. I feel at peace and happy here. What I like most about being in the casita is the simple joy I feel with the windows open and a fan oscillating on medium. (The high today was 75 degrees.)

I did make it out of the casita this afternoon to visit fellow Houstonian Debbie W. She bought a home up here last summer and has been having work done on it. She arrived here on Friday, so I had to see all the improvements to her place. Debbie has such a distinctive style and her place looks great!

Today I'm creating photos of the gardens at the casitas so I can share them from time to time on my blog. I did leave the casita another time today for about an hour. I'm not sure why, but towels and hangers disappear throughout the year. So when I arrive in the summer one of my first purchases is white towels and wooden coat hangers. Of course, margaritas is always the first thing I buy here. For now, I'm rocking in an overstuffed chair and feeling content.