Sunday, March 31, 2013

March 31, 2013

Growing up, we often spent Easter Sunday in Bryan, TX, with my grandparents. I've written about my grandfather being co-owner with his older brother of a men's clothing store in downtown Bryan. Because of his work schedule, it was always hard for him and my grandmother to travel. Daddy was used to driving all over the state, so it was nothing for us to get in the car on Friday after he got home from work and drive to Bryan. (The first stop in my grandparents' house after hugs was always the cookie jar. My grandmother made the most wonderful almond cookies for us.)

The only thing that sticks out in my memory about Easter in Bryan is going to Calvary Baptist Church, usually in a new dress and white shoes. The invitational hymn at the end of the service was always the same on Easter Sunday, and I love the song: "He Lives." I could hear my grandfather singing the lyrics no matter if he was sitting with the family or at the back of the church.

I serve a risen Savior, He's in the world today;
I know that He is living whatever men may say;
I see His hand of mercy, I hear His voice of cheer,
And just the time I need Him, He's always near. 

He lives, He lives,
Christ Jesus lives today!
He walks with me and talks with me
Along life's narrow way.
He lives, He lives,
Salvation to impart!
You ask me how I know He lives?
He lives within my heart.

Today I'm creating time for breakfast with Mr. B. We had a lovely brunch at Zelko Bistro. I'm still full 1.5 hours after getting home. 

Saturday, March 30, 2013

March 30, 2013

Beautiful yellow rose in the front garden in Houston.
Oh me. Oh my. I'm not in the mood to sew today, but I need to. I think the problem is that my sewing stuff is still downstairs in the area of the kitchen where we normally have a small breakfast table and chairs. But there's no TV in the kitchen so there's no noise for me. I like background noise! If I turn on the stereo in the living room, Mr. B can't hear the television. Also, there is the problem of getting started. Once I start sewing I'm fine and will keep at it for hours. Oh me. Oh my. Motivation is what I need!

I bought four pairs of shoes from different online stores so I could find just the perfect pair to go with a dress. I bought the dress several years ago. It was too big on the top, which is very unusual for me. So after it has hung in my closet for two or three years, yesterday I took it to be altered. Now I need to return three boxes of shoes that are sitting on the dining room table. Hummm. I seem to be lacking any and all motivation today.

Today I'm creating either pillows or jewelry. I'm currently watching the Sony Open tennis match. Am I the only one who thinks that the Williams sisters take steroids? Their bodies, strength and endurance are just off the chart, especially Serena. Since Venus stopped playing tennis she seems to have slimmed down, but Serena looks like a body builder on some sort of performance-enhancing drugs.

Friday, March 29, 2013

March 29, 2013

Neighborhood guinea hens. Here dinner, dinner, dinner.
Success, sort of, at the Apple Store last night. They got my newsletter to email by switching me to Yahoo Classic, but now I can't get back to regular Yahoo, where all my contacts are located. Not a big deal. I bet Dr. Mc or #1 son-in-law Nick can reverse that, until I need to send another newsletter out. Better news is that first thing this morning my client called with only a few minor tweaks. Yes! I love it when that happens.

Mr. B only has to work half a day today, or so he thinks. This really never works. He thinks he'll leave the office at noon, but something comes up and he stays until late in the afternoon. I guess it's really OK if he doesn't get home at noon because I have a meeting at 1:30 p.m. Ours are holiday schedules passing in the night.

Today I'm creating a finished newsletter. After making the minor corrections I'm forwarding the newsletter for distribution on Tuesday. Then it's back to the pillows I'm creating.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

March 28, 2013

Sweet-smelling roses from the Houston garden.
I give up! I finished writing and the layout for my client's newsletter. The template I used looks good, but I can't get rid of the extra page. This morning I emailed the newsletter layout to Marta to see if she could get rid of the extra pages. She told me how, but now the damn thing won't attached to an email. I've thrown in the towel and called in the reinforcements. I have an appointment with an Apple One-to-One trainer tonight. Let's see what the experts can do.

Mr. B picked some roses from our garden yesterday and brought them in the house. They are so beautiful and smell so sweet. As buds, this antique rose is tight with pink on the edges. As it opens the rose is pink on the interior, but as it gets older the pink completely fades away to white. It's called Lady Banks Rose, I think. I used to remember the complete name because it is so pretty that I would recommend it to people.

Today I'm creating donation items. I've promised items to two auctions next week and one in April or May. Time to get busy sewing.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

March 27, 2013

Cute and very light weight.
Some people aren't playing fair. Why must everything happen based on their schedule? These people need to get with the program or go home.

Interesting day! I was reminded that some people who think they are on a pedestal really aren't so high and mighty as they believe. As a matter of fact, some people need to get their heads out of the clouds (or their a$$es) and join the rest of us in the real world on planet Earth. I wish no one ill, but do enjoy when a comeuppance occurs.

Today I'm creating a newsletter for my new client. This will be number 1, with many more to come (I hope)!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

March 26, 2013

A busy day. I was at my Tuesday client's office getting more assignments. They are all fun, so I'm not complaining! I need to sit down with my calendar and get organized because it's all going to happen fast.
Sometimes I get irritated and snippy. Does that happen anyone else? I was that way around noon today. Basically, when I say I'm going to do something, I'm going to do it. And it really irritates me when people I've known for a long time question my progress. Or today, maybe what irritated me was the tone used. What I got wasn't a friendly reminder or check up on the status. The tone was you need to do this NOW. Really? Find something better to do than question me when the deadline isn't for 10 days. My B sent me the perfect illustration of how I felt for about an hour (see pic of the day).

Today I'm creating a list of things to do for my client. Yes, I'm making a list so I can check it twice. That's how I roll. 

Monday, March 25, 2013

March 25, 2013

 Zappos shipped four bottles of nail polish in a huge box.
No shoes in the box. Just nail polish and LOTS of paper.
I was dressed and at my 8 a.m. meeting, semi-awake, this morning This man starts his day in the office at 6 a.m. and holds meetings at 6:30 a.m. Since I just started working with this new client, I decided not to say anything like, "Are you crazy?"

Mr. B and I were in the minority yesterday when we were talking to three friends who all get up early. "Oh, I just can't sleep past 5 a.m.," was the comment from one woman. I think she was the same one who said that she enjoys getting up early so she can read the paper and drink coffee. Really? Are coffee and the paper not available after the sun is up? The only thing I like to do at 5 a.m. (and 8 a.m. on most days) is roll over and go back to sleep.

Today I'm creating Internet searches on several topics. Lots of new projects are on the horizon and I have to be ready.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

March 24, 2013

Good friend Paula and Mr. B enjoying lunch in the
VIP lounge at Bayou City Art Festival.
I'm a tired but happy puppy tonight. What a wonderful day at Bayou City Art Festival Memorial Park. Sunny, cool and crisp weather. If you didn't come out today, shame on you. I made all my purchases on Friday but could have bought more today, if I wasn't in fear of Mr. B slapping my silly.

I came home today feeling tired but energetic. Do you ever have that feeling? I could easily have had a nap after seven hours at the festival, except it was 6 p.m. I was also starving for BEEF. I don't often eat beef, but tonight I was craving it. Mr. B got us some brisket tonight. I just ate the beef, while he also enjoyed fries and banana pudding. Good for me.

Today I'm creating a day of fun at the festival in Memorial Park. Good friend Paula went with Mr. B and me. I'm feeling bad because I didn't get to spend that much time with her today. I adore Paula so we'll have to get together for lunch soon. Just the two of us.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

March 23, 2013

I really liked this metal art today. Look
closely and you'll see the red bird on the left.
It was another great day at Bayou City Art Festival Memorial Park. Granted, it was overcast most of the day, but people didn't seem to mind. There were tons of people buying art. I loved it. Tomorrow's weather is supposed to be beautiful and cool.

The Board of Directors met with two potential new members at noon. I like both of the people and am anxious to get them on board. I was proud of myself because lunch provided for us was lasagna, which I passed on. A salad and one roll was good for me. And I didn't have any dessert, either. I was at the festival for many hours before I came home and had a nap! All that fresh air can be so tiring.

Today I'm creating emerald green fingernails. The Art Heist – A Scene in Green, is taking place tomorrow from 2-5 p.m. as part of Bayou City Art Festival Memorial Park. I think green nails are essential.

Friday, March 22, 2013

March 22, 2013

Earrings of the day. CUTE!
I was horrified when I left the house this morning. It was just before 8 a.m. and there were a few sprinkles of rain on my windshield. NO RAIN during Bayou City Art Festival Memorial Park! Just as soon as the rain hit the windshield it was gone. Whew.

This morning turned out to be a beautiful day in Memorial Park. I'm always amazed at the new art that comes each year, as well as the art that I've forgotten. I got two prints today for the Santa Fe casita. I don't remember either of the artists, although I like their work. Both admitted that the subjects in their work were different this festival. I also found in the most adorable pair of little pink slippers that I bought for my niece who is having a baby. The shoes are so sweet and small. Oh how I remember when Dr. Mc and Sweetness were little babies.

Today I'm creating a decorated booth for my client who is a sponsor of Bayou City Art Festival Memorial Park. I'm also editing the auction booklet for an upcoming auction that takes place in two weeks. And I'm fending off solicitation calls from people who want another client to advertise. Not at this time means no. No means no. I'll contact you when we're interested means no.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

March 21, 2013

I got a new metal die cutter in the mail two days ago. The punches are so heavy I can hardly pick them up. This is really a sturdy piece that will last a lifetime. It cuts circles 1", 1.25", 1.50" 1.75" and 2". I sat at my little lap table banging circles last night. I also cut up tin cans so I can punch more circles today.

I've had on my Bayou City Art Festival cap all day. I was onsite in Memorial Park twice today. I was at the BCAF office for a short time this afternoon. I delivered tickets this afternoon. I've been on the phone with this or that person more than several times today. And I've been recruiting volunteers to staff my client's booth. Now comes the hard part. I learned to take off my festival name badge and put it in one spot. But I guess I didn't learn too well because it's not in the spot. Damn. Damn. Damn. It wasn't in my plans to search the house for my name badge. No nap this afternoon!

Today I'm creating earrings and being a dork. The dorky part is making earrings for this weekend that will coordinate with my BCAF shirts. Being around all the artwork and creativity inspires me!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

March 20, 2013

Roz enjoys laying on the dirty clothes while I sort them.
As it gets closer to the Bayou City Art Festival I get busier. I'm not so busy with my responsibilities as president of the Board of Directors, but as the coordinator for one of the sponsors of the festival. Getting people to staff the booth. Decorating the booth. Making sure everything that is needed is at the booth. Once the festival begins, I can breathe.

I'm also working on collecting items for the Houston Heights Association's annual Candlelight Dinner and Auction, which takes place on Friday, April 5. I'm collecting donations from people and also making pillows, an apron, and jewelry to donate. But I really can't think too much about that until after this weekend when the festival is over.

Today I'm creating bios. Yes, even in the midst of all my volunteer work, paying jobs come first. I need to wash clothes, but that would mean that Roz would have to move. Although you can't see her eyes, her bottom-front-pearly-white teeth are always visible.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

March 19, 2013

Kelly, the birthday boy, and Sandy celebrating
Mr. B's birthday.
It's Mr. B's birthday. He turned 57 today ... what a baby!

Sweetness and Dave at Mr. B's birthday dinner.
After my Tuesday client I ran tons of errands preparing for Mr. B's birthday. I ordered his favorite Italian Cream and Chocolate Mousse cakes from Dacapo's Bakery in the Heights. I've been going there for years because they honestly make the best cakes in town. After dropping the cakes off at Borcados, I went to the dollar store. It's such a fun place to get inexpensive, fun gifts. Next I looked at potential new office space for Bayou City Art Festival. We are moving out of our current space by the end of June. I'm not sure our Executive Director likes the space as much as some of the Board members. Finally, I was home to dress for Mr. B's dinner party tonight. We sat in the living room, drank and margarita, and he opened his birthday presents before we headed to the restaurant. Good friends. Good food. Good time tonight at Borcados!

Mick, Keith and Sweetness
Sandy, Dr. Mc and Mike
Today I'm creating what I hope will be a special birthday for Mr. B. I don't think he grew up celebrating holidays like I do. Actually, I didn't grow up celebrating holidays at the caliber I do now. I got used to having blow out holidays with the lovely McCarley sisters. Now, I just can't help myself.

Monday, March 18, 2013

March 18, 2013

These cheery earrings upcycled from a tin canister
make me think of springtime in Houston.
I laid low during the weekend. Well, I did lots of running around on Saturday, but did very little on Sunday. Sometime Sunday evening when I was washing clothes I realized I was still in my pajamas. Good for me.

I felt I should have been in an Irish pub drinking green beer yesterday, except I don't drink beer and I hate crowded bars. Now, perhaps if I would have been in Ireland, it might have been mandatory to drink green beer in a crowded pub. I guess the Irish celebrate St. Patrick Day's, or perhaps it's only Americans who fabricate stories about saints to have a reason to party. To the list of false stories about saints, there is St. Patrick (who didn't really banish all the snakes from Ireland) and also St. Valentine (who had nothing to do with courtly love).

Today I'm creating a response to a newspaper question for a client. The question is does residential housing growth create commercial development. Dah!

Friday, March 15, 2013

March 15, 2013

Upcycled tin earrings added to
(my shop name is jbprincess1).
I'm ready for bed and realized that I haven't written my blog today. Bummer.

It was a productive day that began with at 8:30 a.m. meeting, which ran long. A chatty client meant that I had to postpone my meeting with Bayou City Art Festival at 10 a.m. At 11:30 a.m. I was delivering new jewelry to Sparrow and the Nest on Studewood in the Heights. I had time after that to cook more red potatoes to add to the dill potato salad I was making. After a 1:00 p.m. meeting I had a mani/pedi before coming home for a very needed nap. The dinner party began at 6:30 p.m., and Mr. B and I were home around 10 p.m. Thanks Mick and Mike for the great dinner of grilled sausage and ribs, beans and cole slaw (plus my dill potato salad). Mick makes a terrific key lime pie, which she served for dessert. I'm not sure if it's all the food I ate or all the gin and tonics I drank that have me so tired. Combination of both?

Today I'm creating a day of running around. Thank goodness I had time for a much overdue mani/pedi and nap this afternoon. Celebrate ... it's the weekend!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

March 14, 2013

This beautiful yellow rose is blooming in the front yard.
It was named after the always sunny Julia Childs.
I was outside today taking more photos of my jewelry so I could post the pictures on (my shop name is jbprincess1). No one has bought anything I've listed, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that my jewelry finds an online audience.

Pet peeve of the day is people who don't return emails. I'm working on the annual auction for the Houston Heights Association along with friend Katy. We've been asking for photography donations. There are four or five people who I've contacted (most of the more than once), yet they haven't responded. I've known some of these people for years and have done favors for them, so I'm not sure why they aren't responding. I understand that they may get asked more than once a year to donate to this or that. If that's the case, how about a simple "sorry I can't donate this time" instead of being rude and not responding at all.

Today I'm creating new listings on and doing a little bit of work for the Bayou City Art Festival Memorial Park and the Houston Heights Associations auction. Speaking of request for donations, I get asked more than once a year to donate either jewelry, something I've sewn, or the Santa Fe house. And at times I've told people "sorry I can't donate this time." At least I respond and don't waste people's time and energy. My mother would be so proud!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

March 13, 2013

Look at Rose on the porch in the background. She kept
guard of the front yard while I photographed the azaleas.
I was up really early this morning for an 8:30 a.m. meeting. What? Well, at least the meeting was at my house. I saw a news item yesterday about 10- and 12-year-old sisters who run marathons with their dad. One slept in her running clothes because she had to get up so early to arrive at the race site two hours before the start. I think they got up at 3:45 a.m. and ate breakfast in the car. One word best describes this scenario for me. Sick!

So what about the rest of my day. Hummm. I dropped off some clothes at Good Will. They are finally out of the back of the Explorer. Next I had a doctor's appointment. Then lunch with Victoria. For once I got up early enough that I actually wanted lunch. It was good to catch up with Victoria. Sadly, my cousin Susan called this afternoon with news about her older sister, Leigh, who has been battling cancer. They were going to Pettita Casita over the Memorial Day weekend, but it doesn't look like Leigh will be strong enough after her latest surgery about a month ago.

Today I'm creating pillows. Sewing seems weird since I just spent two afternoons organizing my sewing stuff. "Stuff." It's a very technical term I learned in my years of creative writing courses. NOT!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

March 12, 2013

My grandmother (Nettye), grandfather ( Truett), and Daddy
(Truett Jr.) I'm not sure of the year, but am guessing it was
in the mid-1940s. Love and miss them all!
I woke up this morning with a terrible headache. I'm blaming it on all the healthy food I'm eating. Anyway, I took two Tylenol to get rid of the headache. When I got sleepy about 30 minutes later, I realized that I had taken Tylenol PM.

While I was sleeping this morning, I had a dream about my paternal grandmother, Nannu. I've blogged about her before and talked about how much I loved her and the simple life she led. I need to find the head shot I have of her when she was probably age 42. Back to my dream, I was in her tiny kitchen in Bryan, TX, washing dishes. My grandparents lived in that house for at least 50 years and never had a dishwasher (or clothes dryer). She was fussing at me for not getting the dishes clean enough. In real life, I can only remember her getting made at me once. I was in elementary school and staying with my grandparents for a week or two during the summer. It was probably during Vacation Bible School. I can't remember what I did, but she made me go out to the huge fig tree in the back yard and get a switch. I'm not sure who was more upset and hurt that she gave me a "whippin'." Me or her. She also made me call my parents and tell them what I did. I cried on the phone as I talked to Daddy.

Today I'm (still) creating organization from chaos. It always takes me more than a little while to organize my fabrics.

Monday, March 11, 2013

March 11, 2013

I attempted photo composition today. At the
top of my earrings is the shadow of a fern.
Wish there had been more light!
I'm not sure the weather has ever been more beautiful than today in Houston. The sun is bright. The sky is clear. There is a slight cool breeze. And the temperature is in the low 60s. It's so nice that when I took Roz for a short walk, she wanted to stay outside. This never happens because she is a mole dog. She lives under the bed or with her head buried between pillows. Wait, has hell frozen over?

On another happy note, remember my potential client from last week? I wasn't sure it was going to happen, but I got the go ahead today. Yay! This is another retainer job. I'm going to put all the money in the bank so I'll have a great deposit at the end of the year for a new car. Well, at least it will be a newer model than my 13-year-old Explorer. The first car I ever bought was used. I was living in Austin with a high school friend. I took out a $300 loan from the finance company where I worked. I bought a 10-year-old car and drove it to Houston the following weekend. Daddy checked it out, replaced this and that, and put new tires on it before I drove back to Austin on Sunday night. I was so proud of that car, although I only drove it for about a year. When I moved back to Houston, Mother got a new car and I got her three-year-old car. Daddy hated used cars. He said buying a used car was taking on someone else's problem. But that was then, when he traded in cars before they had 50K miles. This is now, when people drive cars for 200K miles.

Today I'm creating organization from chaos. Although I haven't been sewing much lately, my fabrics are in a crazy mess. It's time to fix that situation. Also, I've decided to get a second battery for my new camera. I have to charge the one I have about once a week. If I get a second battery, I can have one in the charger and one in the camera.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

March 10, 2013

Two weeks until Bayou City Art Festival Memorial Park.
Hope to see you there!
I've been absent from blogging for two day while I photographed some of my tin jewelry (with my fairly new Cannon PowerShot) and listed nine pieces for sale of etsy. My shop name, if you care to visit, is jbprincess1. It's not very original, but I am a princess.

I started looking at my clothes today and switching out from cool-weather clothes to warm-weather clothes. I forget from season to season what's in my closet, so it's always fun when the seasons change. I also started purging some of the clothes I haven't worn in two years. My wardrobe seems to have changed a lot since I stopped contracting with large corporations. When working for small businesses and non-profit organizations, it's easy to be casual chic in linen without getting stares from a bunch of people sitting around a large table in bad ties.

Today I'm creating potato salad to take to a dinner party. On Friday and Saturday I received numerous boxes in the mail. Lots of fun tins. So after I make potato salad and clean the kitchen, I'm going to cut and pound tin.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

March 7, 2013

I've been working on Bayou City Art Festival business most of the day. The festival in Memorial Park is just a little more than two weeks away. I've been reaching out to friends to encourage them to attend the Art Heist – A Scene in Green (see the attached flier). 

Instead of buying a simple ticket (or tickets) to the Bayou City Art Festival Memorial Park, I've contacted friends asking them to buy a ticket (or tickets) to the Art Heist. This event within an event takes place on Sunday, March 24, from 2-5 p.m. in the middle of the Bayou City Art Festival Memorial Park in a private tent. In addition to festival admission on Sunday, March 24, ticket holders also receive VIP parking plus refreshing libations, yummy eatables and entertainment during the party. Tickets begin at only $50, when someone buys a $100 ticket, they'll have at least a 1 in 4 chance of walking away with artwork (including jewelry) valued at $200 or more. (All artwork for the Art Heist has been generously donated by Bayou City Art Festival Memorial Park 2013 artists). It's a really fun event for a great cause and at a great price.

Today I'm creating jewelry. I got two new tins in the mail yesterday, but didn't get a chance to make anything. Here's hoping that today's mail brings more goodies!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

March 6, 2013

Kelly Kindred, Executive Director of Bayou
City Art Festivals, speaking to the crowd
at the kick-off party tonight.
I fretted all day because the client I presented a proposal to email me today with a different idea of how much the project should cost. I don't know what to do because the budget price is so much lower than I proposed. I always want to work within an organizations budget, especially when they are a not-for-profit, but I don't know if I can make the client's budget work.

Mr. B and I attended the kick-off party tonight for the upcoming Bayou City Art Festival Memorial Park. There was a nice turnout! (People kept telling my how nice I looked. Maybe I should wash my hair more often?) It's just a tad more than two weeks until the festival. Everything seems to be going very smoothly, except for one piece of the pie. The committee for this piece has fallen apart. What to do. What to do.

Today I'm creating a couple of pieces of jewelry. I also washed clothes this afternoon. I must admit that I also spent time on the Internet looking for a fancy white blouse and red shoes, but I put them off. The evening ended with Mr. B taking me to dinner at Shade. He had to have this shrimp and grits fix.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

March 5, 2013

Beautiful old-fashioned pink roses blooming in the back yard.
I was part of a group this morning that went on a tour of the new City of Houston Permitting Building. The building was once an old rice storage facility and later it was used by Amtrac as a station and a hospital for injured rail workers. Or at least, that's what I remember from the guide's talk. She spoke so softly that I couldn't hear her most of the time.

The five-story building has most of the City of Houston permitting departments, plus a really unique portion of the ground floor devoted to green living. We should all pay more attention to green living!

Today I'm creating marketing materials and sponsorship information for my Tuesday client. It was another productive day, but I'm looking forward to the rest of the week because I don't have to be anywhere in the mornings.

Monday, March 4, 2013

March 4, 2013

Emma joined the dinner party at the Stetizs' on Friday.
I had a fairly good day yet I don't feel like writing my blog. Usually when I've had a good day I'm anxious to share it, but not today.

I presented my marketing proposal this morning. Everything went well, although I don't think the client wants to pay my price. I'll wait until the end of the week to see his counter. This afternoon I visited with a friend for about half an hour. I make a quick trip to Target for a couple of items. When I came home I worked on the computer for awhile. Mr. B came home and said he had a so-so day. Maybe that's the best way to describe my day. It was so-so, but what do I expect for a Monday?

Today I'm creating nothing, although I did get two tins that I'll turn into jewelry. Tomorrow will be a busy day, so I hope I get a good rest tonight.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

March 3, 2013

Drawing of Nelson by my friend, Marta.
I caught up on the sleep I've missed in the past several weeks. I woke up at a decent time this morning, but kept taking naps all day. I wasn't alone in my napping. I was joined by sweet Rose most of the time. Once I found her asleep on her back in her favorite chair in the living room. She was, of course, snoring.

Photo of Nelson.
Late this afternoon we went to a new wine bar in the Houston Heights. It's called Sonoma. I hear there is at least one more in town. The wine was good, as were the appetizers. Mr. B and I need to go back there for wine and dinner.

Today I'm creating nothing. Last Friday when I had lunch with Kim and Marta, Marta brought me the drawing she had done of our dog, Nelson. We had to put Nelson to sleep almost three years ago because his little body was full of inoperative cancer. I think Nelson was Mr. B's favorite dog of all times. The drawing was a surprise to Mr. B. He got tears in his eyes when she saw the drawing that Marta had done. It's wonderful!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

March 2, 2013

Mick and Mr. B enjoying wine and conversation last
night before dinner. 
Happy Texas Independence Day. As a child attending HISD schools, I often went on field trips to San Jacinto Monument. I enjoyed going to the monument, but the Battle Ship Texas scares me to death. Maybe in a former life I was a passenger who drowned on the Titanic because ships freak me out. Getting on a fishing boat, yacht or sailboat doesn't bother me. A ferry boat doesn't bother me. But the Battle Ship Texas scares me,  even though the water around it isn't that deep.

Last night we enjoyed a delicious dinner at Sandy and Dave's house. There was lots of celebrating. Jan and Paul are back in Houston for their first visit since moving to Ecuador last May. I liked hearing their stories about their new life and the holiday traditions they experienced. Jan was anxious to do some shopping because she says there's really no place to find clothes where they live. Hum. Another reason I'll probably never more to Ecuador. It was also Simon's 55th birthday so there was some off-key singing.

Today I'm creating a marketing proposal to present on Monday morning, as well as a couple of invoices that I emailed. My plan was to clean house today, but there's always tomorrow.

Friday, March 1, 2013

March 1, 2013

Today is 3-1-13, or shown another way 3113. Cool!

Taken with Canon PowerShot
I had lunch with Marta and Kim today. It's always good to catch up with people. We all three worked in the marketing communications department at Western National Life before it became American General Annuity before it became AIG Annuity and finally went back to Western National Life. Marta and Kim were full-time employees and I did contract writing for them. At first I worked one day a week, but that eventually turned into every afternoon. There have also been times when I worked all day, every day, but that never lasted long. The company was my biggest client, but I never wanted it to be my only client. Kim is the only one who still works there. I guess she is closing in on 15 years.

Today I'm creating a cheese, fruit, nuts and bread tray (with fig preserves and honey) to take to a dinner party tonight. I also started playing with my new Cannon PowerShot. I have an etsy shop and I may list some jewelry. First I need to create a fun way to display the jewelry. Speaking of marketing communications, where is an art director or a photo stylist when I need one?
Taken with iPhone 3 something.