I added some Mexican tiles in between the flagstone pavers. Should I keep them? |
Happy birthday to Sweetness, a.k.a. Evan Lizabeth McCarley, who is 24 years young today. I told Mr. B last night on the phone about the afternoon Sweetness was born. (I'm sure I've told him the story many times before, but he is always nice and listens.) The hospital told me that Dr. Mc could be in the room when the baby was born. Even though Dr. Mc is eight years and seven months older than Sweetness, their dad and I decided against it. Instead, as soon as Evan was born, my mother drove Dr. Mc to the hospital so she could meet her baby sister. Evan was mesmerized by her big sister! But after only a few minutes, my mother told Dr. Mc to give Sweetness back to me so they could leave the hospital in time to miss the traffic. That was my mom, ever the practical one! We knew from the beginning that red-headed Evan was going to be spirited. Mr. B's mom called Evan "little red" and always told me not to ruin her spirit. She has always been a champion for the underdog ... standing up for what's important to her and wanting to save the world. Never give up, Sweetness.
I finally gave up on waiting for the plumber and called another plumber. Then all of a sudden the unseen plumber decides to call and show up, to which I said no thanks. The new plumber arrived, took the front off the water heater, turned on the water at the faucet, and it was hot. He looked at me like I was crazy. I promised that it hadn't been working for days. As he left I told him I'd call him again tomorrow if the hot water wasn't working. Then I quickly ran the dishwasher, washed a load of clothes, and took a hot shower. Ahhh, clean hair!
Today I'm creating a list of errands to run. Garden center. Fabric store. Starbucks. And from the grocery store I need wine and dog food. Seems like a strange dinner combination, but I'll try anything once (just kidding).