Saturday, March 31, 2012

March 31, 2012

Pictured is a courtyard garden in Mexico City
that Mr. B and I visited several years ago.
Beautiful day lilies!
Tonight should be fun. Mr. B and I are invited to a neighborhood party about four blocks away. Everyone is supposed to bring a bottle of wine and an appetizer. I don't think we know anyone except the hosts. I love meeting new people!

It's Day Four of the yard crew. I think so far they have screwed up just about as much as they have fixed. The yard is supposed to be finished today, but I don't see that happening. The big boss knows he is behind and has been here all morning. Maybe if he had spent more time supervising the crew earlier in the week they wouldn't be behind.

Today I'm creating a trip to the garden center. I've made my list, checked it twice, and now I'm ready to buy some new plants. Merry Christmas to me!

Friday, March 30, 2012

March 30, 2012

I loved this planting bed on Woodhead. Lots of butterflies.
Day Three of workers in the yard. As usual, things get worse before they get better. Today they pulled out all the flagstone in the back yard and leveled the ground before replacing the flagstone. Big problem is that the sand didn't get delivered today like it was supposed to. And when Mr. B called to check on the delivery, the company lied to him and said I cancelled the order. What? No way!

I did some driving around this afternoon looking at yards and getting some ideas. For now, we are recycling some of the plants from the back and side yards to the front, but there is one bed in front of the house that needs flowering native plants.

Today I'm creating a landscaping plan for the front yard. I've asked Mr. B to buy some lottery tickets. We could buy lots of plants with the winnings! We could buy entire garden centers with the winnings!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

March 29, 2012

I need oil cloth for garden aprons. Lots of
pockets for tools and gloves.
It's an early morning for me. Mr. B called my cell phone around 8:15 a.m. I had to get up, get dressed, and move my car before delivery of sand, gravel, and flagstone for the yard. Before 9 a.m. the door bell had rung twice. Without my beauty rest I'm going to be grumpy for the rest of the day. Plus it's going to rain and then the yard crew will leave, which will also make me grumpy.

I had an email chat last night with the very crafty Kiki Neumann. I'm very jealous because she is on her way to Round Top this morning for the bi-annual antique fair. She has a booth. (Mitzie and I usually go to Round Top for some shopping, but not this year because of my foot and her aching back.) I emailed Kiki about a donation to the Houston Heights Association's auction. She not only said yes, but is donating more than requested. At the end of her email to me she wrote, "Love your blog writings and musings ... keep on doing what you do so well ..." How sweet it that!

Today I'm creating three clean rooms and taking a trip to the fabric store. As long as I'm awake, thank you Mr. B, I might as well be productive.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

March 28, 2012

Happy birthday, Bill!
Happy birthday to friend and realtor Bill Baldwin. He's a very busy man who I wish would slow down before he burns out, but I don't see either happening anytime soon! I looked everywhere for a fun energizer bunny to give to him, but couldn't find anything I liked.

The workmen arrived just a few minutes ago to start the yard makeover. There's nothing I like more than a well manicured yard. I got that from Daddy, who always had the best looking yard on the block! Even when his body won't allow him to spend hours in the yard, he would sit in a chair and instruct the yard crew about what he wanted. Miss you, Daddy! I read this morning on Facebook that a college friend's father died last night at age 87. I predict she'll now think about him everyday for the rest of her life. I've found that a daughter, no matter what age, always needs her Daddy!

Today I'm creating aprons out of oilcloth that can be used while gardening. It seems appropriate!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

March 27, 2012

Delicious turkey meat loaf. Yummy!
Wish fulfilled. Yesterday I made a delicious turkey meatloaf. Unfortunately I can't post the recipe. As I told friend Shirley last week, I never stick to a single recipe. When I start cooking I add and substitute spices and ingredients based on past experiences. For instance, to the meatloaf I added garlic and chopped onions, as well as a yellow and orange bell pepper. Then, the recipe I was using called for milk, but I substituted tomato sauce for it. Anyway, it was delicious and I have leftovers for tonight.

Cooking dinner last night was only one of my accomplishments. I also washed four loads of clothes, ran errands, AND followed up on some Bayou City Art Festival business. Our executive director, Kelly, commented yesterday that she was in her post-festival funk. After months and months of planning and hype for the festivals, in two or three days everything is over. I understand, Kelly!

Today I'm creating marketing materials for my Tuesday client. It seems like forever since I've been here. A cancelled meeting one week, Spring Break the next week, and last week it was flooding. Now we're back on schedule.

Monday, March 26, 2012

March 26, 2012

Apron with ruffles. I really dislike making
the ruffled layers, but the outcome is fun!
I had such an adrenaline rush last night from the exciting weekend with Bayou City Art Festival that I didn't go to sleep until 5 a.m. That's without a nap yesterday. Instead of sleeping last night, I watched Bourne Identity and Bourne Supremacy from about 1-5 a.m. I had started watching the morning news at 5 a.m. when I finally fell asleep.

It's hard to regroup now, but looking at my calendar makes me realize that I need to move on. This week is busy with projects around the house. The first week of April is busy with preparing for my nieces wedding shower and Easter. The second week is all about the annual Houston Heights Home Tour. Along the way, I've also promised aprons, pillows, tote bags, etc. to upcoming fundraisers. But first ...

Today I'm creating a clean kitchen and washing clothes. Time to spend the afternoon being a domestic goddess and doing some housework. The bright spot in my day will certainly be watching Dancing with the Stars tonight.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

March 25, 2012

Retiring my badges and name tag until October when
Bayou City Art Festival will be downtown.
I couldn't be happier yet more tired. It was another great day at Bayou City Art Festival. Lots of sunshine. Lots of people enjoying the great artwork. Then a fabulous party organized by our terrific special events committee (Marcus Carter, you rock!). And a special thank you to Capital One Bank, which is the title sponsor for Bayou City Art Festival. I feel very fortunate to  have such a rewarding partnership between Capital One Bank and Bayou City Art Festival!

I got home just in time to watch Ina Garten (a.k.a. The Barefoot Contessa) on the food channel. She is one of my cooking idols! She just talked about the best thing she ever ate. Not one of her own recipes, but the most delicious looking meatloaf I've every seen. (Oh how I want a scratch and sniff television!) I so enjoy a good meatloaf, but can't make one. I can't believe I'm even hungry today because Mr. B and I ate Mexican food last night with friends Kelly and Keith. When does the healthy eating begin?

Today I'm creating cocktails for Mr. B and me to drink during the premiere of Mad Men. I wasn't that excited with the last season, so I hope since the series has been off the air for so long that the wait is worth it. Or as Mr. B says, I hope "the juice is worth the squeeze."

Saturday, March 24, 2012

March 24, 2012

I'm driving in my car behind a school bus and had to take a
photo. Not sure what "Air Conditioned Belts" means.
Hello, friends. It's another beautiful, sunny day in Houston – just the type of weather that brings thousands of people out to the Bayou City Art Festival. And so they came! When I get to the Festival every day I enter a side gate with my special credentials. It's exciting to see a line of people waiting to come in once the main gates open.

My number one purpose at the Festival today was meeting potential new Board of Director members. Talking with them energized me. New Board members equals new ideas, and I'm all about fresh, new ideas and thoughts.

Today I'm creating time for a nap. I hadn't been at the Festival very long today when someone bumped me, my boot caught the pavement, and down I went. I was initially concerned about whether or not I had torn my khaki pants. But once I was back on my feet, I realized that I had twisted my ankle. Sure enough, four hours after the fall, when I get home and remove the boot from my already broken foot, it's obvious that my ankle is red and swollen. I'm sure it will be better after my nap.

Friday, March 23, 2012

March 23, 2012

"Universal Balance," by figurative artist Patrick Palmer.
My life could use some balance!
What a glorious first-look Friday at Bayou City Art Festival. When I left the house around 9:15 a.m., it was 65 degrees in Houston and the humidity was about 40 percent. This is Houston at its best! By the end of the day the temperature was in the low 80s and still low humidity. So nice.

Shout out to Houston figurative artist Patrick Palmer who came up to me this afternoon at Bayou City Art Festival. He recognized me from Facebook and said how much he enjoys reading my blogs/posts. How fun is that? I'm such a fan of Patrick's and have always wanted a piece of his artwork. Maybe Mr. B and I haven't purchased one of Patrick's pieces because he mainly paints on canvas and we collect mainly works on paper. But I'm sure that one of Patrick's pieces needs to be part of Mr. B's and my art collection.

Today I'm creating manicured fingernails. I'm going to be interviewed tomorrow live on Ch. 13, the Houston ABC affiliate. They asked me to bring visuals of items from the Festivals. I have some bracelets that are very cool, but I must have manicured nails if I'm going to show them off. If you're awake at 8:15 a.m. tomorrow, turn to Ch. 13 and watch me. If you can't watch me, please wish me luck with the live interview.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

March 22, 2012

Bayou City Art Festival in Memorial Park
opens tomorrow at 10 a.m. "Ole!
Happy day before the opening of Bayou City Art Festival in Memorial Park. It's a busy time and I have tons of things to do, yet I haven't left the house.

I got energetic about 11 p.m. last night and started organizing my closet. It's not a project to start that late at night! A couple of years ago I promised myself that I would no longer buy clothes that can only be worn during cold weather. There's just not enough cold weather in Houston to own a bunch of wool and velvet clothes, and certainly not enough room in my small closet to house them. But I can't resist. So last night I started taking the cold weather clothes out of the closet, along with clothes I haven't worn in two years. Messy project that will continue tonight.

Today I'm creating time to deliver the VIP packages for Bayou City Art Festival. Eight envelopes to deliver throughout Houston. Fun stuff! Evan (a.k.a. Sweetness) commented on my blog from yesterday that she is "down" with Mirror Mirror. I'm hoping that means she want to go to the movie with me!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

March 21, 2012

As seen in Kroger ... Easter Egg Nog. Really?
Let's see. What's on my mind today? Not much. I'm in somewhat of a blue funk. There's really no reason for the funk. It was a beautiful spring day in Houston. Nice cool weather and bright sunny skies. We couldn't ask for any better weather.

I'm really looking forward to the new Julia Roberts' movie, Mirror Mirror. Although I could do without her signature laugh, the costumes and set design look fabulous. One of my favorite movies is The Princess Bride and something in the trailers for Mirror Mirror remind of it. I wish Dr. Mc and Evan were little girls again so the three of us could go together.

Today I'm creating VIP packages for Bayou City Art Festival. It opens Friday. Can't wait!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

March 20, 2012

Went to the doctor yesterday. Foot will be in
the boot for at least two more weeks.
Lots of Texas FB friends are posting photos of the incredible rain we had this morning. Thunder and lightning always sends Roz into hiding under the bed. The weather was so scary this morning I was tempted to crawl under the bed with her!

While others are posting photos of today's rain, I'm posting my ailing foot. Yesterday was doctor day and I was given another two week sentence in the boot. The doctor says that until the discoloration goes away, it's not well. Dr. Mc looked at my unwrapped foot last night and curled her upper lip because of all the dry skin. I can't believe that I injured my foot on February 3 and I'm still wearing the boot. But as much as I'd like do away with the boot I'll admit my foot isn't ready.

Today I'm creating a speech to give before City Council. I'd like to talk about other items, such as why are they letting Walmart build a store about two miles from our house without the proper traffic surveys, but my purpose today is to invite them to attend the Bayou City Art Festival this weekend.

Monday, March 19, 2012

March 19, 2012

Happy 56th birthday to Mr. B.
Happy birthday to Mr. B! Today he is 56 years young and looking just as handsome as when we married 17 years ago. Evan (a.k.a. Sweetness) was working tonight, but Dr. Mc and #1 son-in-law Nick were able to join us for dinner at Liberty Kitchen. It's amazing what thousands of dollars can do to convert an old convenience store into a seafood restaurant. My dinner was good, but I want to go back on a Tuesday for the fish tacos plate.

I was so excited to see the opening night of Dancing With the Stars tonight. We all know that I enjoy reality shows, and DWTS is one of my favorites. I can visualize myself teaming up with Derek Hough or Mark Ballas or even Mark's dad Corky Ballas, and dancing away with the trophy. Yeah, baby. Maksim Chmerkovskiy is a wonderful dancer, by I see myself winning with Derek, Mark or Corky. I think dancing for six to eight hours a day would be a wonderful way to reduce my size and reform my shape! It would be as if I was back in high school and dancing with the drill team ... except I'm no longer in high school.

Today I'm creating a delicious birthday cake for Mr. B. Have you tried any of the recipes by the Pioneer Woman? I usually like her recipes and she promised that her chocolate sheet cake was the best ever! Mr. B gave it a 12 out of 10, so I'd say it's good.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

March 18, 2012

I enjoyed seeing the play RED today with Mr. B.
Mr. B and I have had a great afternoon! We started with brunch at Brennan's. Mimosa. Turtle soup with sherry. Eggs Benedict. Bananas Foster. YUM! Next we were off to the Alley Theatre for a matinee showing of the Tony award-winning play "Red." The story line covers the two years after abstract expressionist Mark Rothko landed a HUGE commission for a series of murals for New York’s famed Four Seasons restaurant. Rothko works feverishly with his young assistant, Ken, in his studio. But when Ken gains the confidence to challenge him, Rothko faces the agonizing possibility that his crowning achievement could also become his undoing.

It was interesting to watch the two-man play about an artist's ambition and vulnerability as he tries to create a definitive work for an extraordinary setting. In real life, Rothko completed the paintings, but was upset at how they were hung in the restaurant. He returned his commission, took back his paintings, and donated them to Tate in London.

Today I'm creating a fun pre-birthday afternoon for Mr. B. Now that my work is done, it's time for a nap!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

March 17, 2012

Most of the Women of Wine Board of Directors posing
with the wine lot we "scored" at Rodeo Uncorked!
2012 Champion Wine Auction & Dinner. Note to self.
Give that blouse away! What was I thinking?
I'm changing my font color to green for today only in honor of the Irish. Happy St. Patty's Day to all! 

Oh my gosh ... I have such bad heartburn this morning. When Mr. B got home from work yesterday, he suggested we go to El Real for dinner. It's one of my favorite Mexican food restaurants. Or perhaps I should say it's a restaurant owned by one of my favorite chefs (Brian Caswell). I had my normal pork burrito with rice and beans. As usual, I ate half of it and brought the other half home for lunch today. I usually don't have a problem when I eat it. But today ... oh man! But don't think for a minute that just because I have heartburn this morning that I won't eat my leftovers sometime today. Some people never learn!

Today I'm creating new window treatments for the kitchen windows. It's time for something different. I like the design of what's on the windows, but am tired of the fabric. Someday I'll recycle the fabric from the current window coverings into something else. Maybe an apron. Maybe a tote bag. Not sure yet.

Friday, March 16, 2012

March 16, 2012

Thanks Dr. Mc for sending the photo of
Nick rockin' at SXSW in Austin!
It's Friday. TGIF! I see people (including me) posting photos of bluebonnets on Facebook. It makes me wish there was a reason to drive to Brenham so I could see the flowers in their brilliant technicolor. Hum. Maybe that's an idea for tomorrow.

I couldn't sleep last night. It was after 6 a.m. before I finally got some shut eye. I thought that meant I would sleep all day and mess up my sleeping schedule for a couple of days. Instead, I'm awake and watching HGTV, which is a very bad idea. I've been wanting to paint the living and dining room walls. Actually, I want to redo the furniture, also, but none of this is going to happen soon. First, we need some serious yard work.

Today I'm creating some packages that will be used to invite special guests to the Bayou City Art Festival next weekend. I think I need about 20. Later I'm hoping to present a small magazine idea to a client. Sounds like a busy afternoon.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

March 15, 2012

This is such a beautiful time of year in central Texas
with bluebonnets and Indian paintbrushes everywhere.
I had such a strange dream that I think was caused by an email I got from Mitzie earlier this week. She emailed that she wanted to take me to lunch to thank me for making the table decorations for Ashley's engagement party. So last night I dreamt that we drove to a small town, parked far away, and then jogged down a field to a cafe. Mitzie ordered only pastries for us to eat along with glasses of Chivas Regal (straight up) to drink. We ate the pastries, enjoyed the Chivas and drove home. The first part of the dream resembles our trips to Round Top in the spring. We drive to a small town and park far away. But that's were the similarity ends.

Neither of us jog. Next, Mitzie is a healthy eater and I can't imagine her only eating dessert pastries for lunch. Then, neither of us drink scotch, and I don't think anyone in Round Top sells Chivas with lunch. Beer. Yes. Scotch. No. If I did drink scotch, I can't imagine drinking it straight up. I put ice in everything. When Mr. B and I were in Scotland, we toured a scotch distillery (if that's the correct term), and were given samples to taste. To my taste buds, scotch was terrible.

Today I'm creating dinner for Mr. B and then watching the first part of the Project Runway All Stars finale. Diva queens preparing for the final runway. Should be entertaining.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

March 14, 2012

This will be a quick post before I head off to my board meeting for Bayou City Art Festival.

Mainly I want to wish Dr. Mc a happy "Pi Day." From her math studies, she has a favorite formula: Pi2 (Pi squared). I can't make the mathematical symbols on my blog, but as they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. And let me add: Oh me oh my, I like pie.

Today I'm creating a creative plan for marketing materials for a new venture. Have a great day ... and eat some pie!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

March 13, 2012

This is the featured artwork for the Memorial Park 2012
Bayou City Art Festival, created by Tonya Doskova. Very fun!
I'm so ashamed that I spent two hours last night watching The Bachelor finale AND then another hour watching the After the Final Rose episode. Mr. B hit the nail on the head when he referred to Ben as the ugly bachelor. I'd like to add another adjective to Mr. B's description: The ugly, yokel bachelor. Why yokel? So many women told Ben that Courtney was mean, yet he ignored them. He watched the episodes, got turned off and ended the engagement, then gave Courtney back the engagement ring. I could have described Ben as "stupid," except I saved that reference for myself since I watched the boring show instead of doing something more constructive.

I got the invitations addressed last night for my nieces shower. Now to get to the post office today to mail them.

Today I'm creating an agenda and preparing for tomorrow's Bayou City Art Festival board meeting. I also need to make some plans for Mr. B's birthday, which is March 19. He's not helping. I asked him twice yesterday what he wants for his birthday and he never answered me. Bad idea.

Monday, March 12, 2012

March 12, 2012

This year at Bayou City Arts Festival in
Memorial Park (March 25-28) I'm going to
think seriously about buying some "yard art"
for Santa Fe!
I got a surprise call this morning from friend and Santa Fe realtor, Richard Anderson. Always good to hear from him, except he makes me wish I was in the high desert. As much as I'd like to get there, it's not going to happen for at least a month. Ugh!

Each year in the Spring and Fall, my calendar gets so busy. This is especially true this year when I'm serving on two Boards, and attending four weddings and related events. Oh yeah, then there's time for family, friends, business, and last but not least – creating! Speaking of Boards, this week I have a meeting with Women of Wine Charities (today) and with Bayou City Art Festival (Wednesday).

Today I'm creating a budget for the Women of Wine communication committee. While at the meeting today I also need to communicate that having our monthly meetings at 4 p.m. is better than evening meetings, but it does cut into my nap time. Or, as I'm sure no one except me will care about my naps, maybe I'll just keep that information to myself.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

March 11, 2012

Another rainy day in Houston. Even the Sunday paper is soggy. Drat. The electricity just went off in the house and came back on and then went off again. 

Pillows created from ticking and linen.
Sister-in-law Susan from Virginia requested that I post my recipe for fruit salsa. Serve it with cinnamon chips as an hors dourves or with fish as an entree! I also like it with granola in the morning. Very tasty! I use a chop-o-matic device that my mother-in-law gave me years ago. It makes all the chopping very easy. I change the size of the blade so not all the fruit is the same size. I also cut the strawberries in fourths by hand. Enjoy!


2 kiwis – peeled and diced
2 Fiji apples – peeled, cored and diced
2 peaches – peeled, cored and diced (I use frozen peaches) 
1 pound strawberries
3 tablespoons fruit preserves (I use orange marmalade)
juice of one lemon
  • Directions
  • In a large bowl, thoroughly mix kiwis, apples, peaches, strawberries, and fruit preserves. Cover and chill in the refrigerator at least 15 minutes.

Today I'm creating clean clothes. All the rain makes me think about washing clothes. I'm not sure there is anything better smelling that clean clothes. Well, clothes smell better if they have air dried in the sun, but that isn't going to happen today!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

March 10, 2012

Fun evening last night with the Board of
Directors and +1s  from the Bayou City
Art Festivals. Looking forward to the festival
in Memorial Park on March 23-25, 2012.
I'm enjoying the rain and a quiet day at home. But wait. The television in the main room is out so Mr. B is now stomping around and making lots of noise. Can I ignore his restlessness? Doesn't he need to make a trip to his office?

Great party last night with the Board of Directors for the Bayou City Art Festivals. Mr. B and I drove downtown in the pouring rain and traffic so we could arrive early with flowers and gifts. Fortunately we were able to find a parking spot on Franklin Street in front of our destination, the Magnolia Ballroom. After set up and while enjoying cocktails and hors devours, we watched the traffic jam that occurred when the HPD blocked off the streets for President Obama. I would have been so angry if I had to wait behind the police-car barricade for an hour while waiting for Obama to leave downtown and  travel to a ritzy $10,000 a plate dinner in River Oaks. But from our vantage point out of the second story windows with a glass of vino in hand, it was very tolerable. Back to the dinner, we sat down to a wonderful salad, perfectly cooked steak with mushrooms, roasted potatoes and asparagus, and a to-die-for bread pudding. Then we all hit the floor for some dancing to disco tunes from the 70s and 80s. I could have stayed and danced all night, except that my broken foot had a different idea!

Today I'm creating a clean bedroom. There are clothes piled on the chair and hanging from the closet doors. Shoes and magazines on the floor. And my bedside table is covered with who-knows-what. Maybe a quick nap first.

Friday, March 9, 2012

March 9, 2012

Cooking the tomatillo salsa. This was the only salsa that
had to cooked and then chilled before serving. 
Last night's event at the art gallery was very nice. The hands-down favorite of the five salsas I made was the avocado and feta. What I found funny was that several people asked where I got the green tomatoes for the tomatillo salsa. Obvious these people were non-cooks and non-Texans or else they would know that tomatillos are green. I love the little husk that wrap them! So cute.

Here's the recipe for the avocado and feta salsa. It's so easy and yummy!


  • 4 plum tomatoes – chopped
  • 4 ripe avocado – peeled, pitted and chopped
  • 1 jalapeno pepper – seeds removed and chopped
  • 1/2 red onion – finely chopped
  • 1 clove garlic – minced
  • 1/2 cup cilantro – chopped
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon white wine vinegar
  • 4 ounces crumbled feta cheese
  • juice of one lime


In a bowl, gently stir together ingredients. Gently stir in olive oil and vinegar. Then stir in feta. Add lime juice. Cover, and chill for at least two hours.

Today I'm creating floral arrangements for the Board of Directors dinner for Bayou City Art Festival.  But first, I'm waiting on the website designer who works with Women of Wine Charities to arrive. We're  going to talk about revisions that need to be made to the website to make it more user friendly.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

March 8, 2012

Dear friend Paula is just as sweet as she is cute!
It has been a busy day! I started my morning at the Houston Arts Alliance attending a conference on putting the strategic in strategic planning. Initially, I was not sure my brain would be ready to receive the information so early in the morning (9 a.m.), but it and I made it through. I came away with several inspiring ideas that I plan to share with the others on the two Board of Directors with which I'm involved.

One reason I might not have been ready to receive the information was that Mr. B, friend Paula, and I attended the kick-off party for the Memorial Park 2012 Bayou City Art Festival. What a fabulous party! Terrific turnout. I was jazzed by the time we left. Thanks to Mr. B for taking Ms. Paula and me for a quiet dinner at Shade after the kick-off party. I splurged by getting a salad, as well as mac and cheese. I should have stopped with the wonderful salad, but couldn't resist the mac and cheese. I think the mac and cheese served by Shade is nearly as good as mine, but I could be prejudice.

Today I'm creating five different salsas for an event Mr. B and I are co-hosting tonight at an art gallery. Actually, I have finished making all the salsas. I think my favorite is the avocado, tomato and feta salsa, but I also think the fruit salsa is very good. I also made traditional, tomatilla and black bean/corn salsas. I'll take photos tonight and post some tomorrow. Right now, I have to jump in the shower.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

March 7, 2012

Rose, the gatherer.
I blog about my dogs Roz and Rose all the time. Maybe it's because I'm home with them so much. In some ways they are my co-workers. At least one of them is always by my side while I work on my computer.

Yesterday I went around the house collecting  earrings and bracelets from almost every surface of the house. I gathered the bracelets up and put them in a box on the floor until I clean out a drawer for them. Bad idea leaving the bracelets on the floor. Rose got in the box and took about five of the bracelets under the dining room table where she also gathers her toys. Fortunately she doesn't chew on things, except for shredding paper. She just likes to gather what she thinks is hers under the table. Then she'll roll around on them and sleep with whatever she has gathered. Funny, sweet girl!

Today I'm creating invitations for a shower. Got them printed this morning and now I need to address the envelopes. I also went to the grocery store and purchased the ingredients I need to make five different salsas. Mr. B and I are part of a group hosting an art opening tomorrow night. My contribution is going to be a "salsa bar." If parties can have a dessert bar, why not a salsa bar?

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

March 6, 2012

Roz is ready for her close-up. Look at that face!
I've ordered some vintage flour and feed sacks from eBay so I'm crazy for the mail to arrive every afternoon. It's like Christmas when the packages arrive and I rip open the envelope or box and discover what's inside. Unfortunately, the eggnog is missing. I've also been buying some wedding-themed fabric so I can make aprons. I'm surprised that I can't find this fabric in Houston, but yesterday I looked in two stores for wedding fabric and didn't find any. 

This afternoon I have a landscaping company coming to look at the yard, which is currently a hot mess. I'm very excited to share my ideas with the guy and get an estimate for the work. I love a pretty yard. The landscaping doesn't have to be over the top, just neat and clean.

Today I'm creating an ad for contraception and sending it to Snooki. Right now I hear Mr. B thinking "who?" Dear, she's a reality star whose claim to fame is being from New Jersey, where she enjoys drinking, partying, tanning, and swearing at will. Now she's unmarried and pregnant. At the risk of sounding like Rush Limbaugh (heaven forbid), I'm in favor of requiring people to obtain a parenting license before a woman can get pregnant and give birth to a sweet, unsuspecting child. While this is a nutty idea, it would give little babies a fighting chance!

Monday, March 5, 2012

March 5, 2012

Fat piggies a month ago.
How horrible for the people who have been hit by the tornados. It's a triple whammy for many in Indiana, Kentucky and Tennessee. The tornados knocked out the power and now it's snowing. My thoughts and prayers to everyone suffering through the horrific conditions.

Foot and ankle two weeks ago.
I had an appointment this morning with the orthopedist. Does this scenario sound familiar? Spend an hour in the waiting room. The doctor spends no more than five minutes in the examining room. Schedule another appointment in two weeks. That will be $40, please and thank you. I should have phoned in my synopsis. Foot still swollen and bruised but less so than two weeks ago. Scabs on my ankle and knee are still present, but less than two weeks ago. No, I can't stand on my tippy toes. Could have saved $5 parking fee, also.

Foot and ankle this a.m.
Today I'm creating stuffed pillows. When Mr. B comes home from work, I'm getting him to walk with me up to my craft area so I can do a little sewing.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

March 4, 2012

Look at all the buds on the azeleas bushes.
The month of March is ... well ... marching on. I was hoping to sneak off to Santa Fe this month by myself, but there's no time! And April isn't looking much better. We have to take care of some maintenance on the casita and need to make plans soon. Right now it looks like only the last week of April is available on my calendar.

I'm once again enjoying a quiet house. Mr. B is off to work today, as he was yesterday. Last night we did find time for a steak expertly prepared by the grill master himself. Then we watched two romantic comedies. Mr. B made an excellent observation. With the price of going out to the movie being what it is, it's cheaper to buy a $20 DVD than to go for a movie and snacks in the theater.

Today I'm creating a side dish to go with chicken Mr. B grilled last night. I want to try some recipes before the shower for my niece and her intended. Mr. B loves being a guinea pig.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

March 3, 2012

I made two aprons so a friend could pick
between them for a gift for her daughter. She
bought one for her daughter and the other
for herself. Thanks, Denise M!
What a lazy Saturday! It's hard to know who has slept more: the dogs or me.

For family and friends who know me, it comes as no surprise when I say I'm spoiled. Yesterday I had lunch with friend Kelly S (delicious BLT from Revival Market) and then went in search of invitations that would inspire me for a shower Mr. B and I are giving for my niece Tricia and her "intended" Tom. After going to several paper stores, I looked at my watch around 3:20 p.m. and decided that I had to ceases and desist shopping because it was cutting into nap time. What? There was a time when nothing could deter me from an afternoon of shopping. Well, I did come home, but then got on the computer with Dr. Mc and started looking for items for the shower. No nap yesterday, but I made up for it today.

Today I'm creating another movie night. Last Saturday Mr. B and I had dinner and a movie marathon at the house. Sounds like a good idea again for tonight. What's your favorite all-time movie?