Not only is writing this blog a creative outlet, but it's journaling that helps me remember what I've done and determine what needs to be done. For instance, I had a "light bulb" moment yesterday when I realized that most of my days are organized into three sections: Mornings are spent working on client projects, afternoons are spent crafting, and evenings are spent with family and/or friends. Never realized this before.
Pictured today is another one of my favorite sewing patterns, this one a tote. The colors of the hydrangeas in the fabric are so vibrant and pretty. Although the fabric isn't vintage, I was drawn to the remnant because the flowers almost look hand painted. This is a fun weekend bag because it's stylish and big enough to carry all your treasures.
Today I'm creating, or am continuing to create, an uncluttered and organized craft area. Yesterday I spent four hours sorting, purging and discovering so many GOOD fabrics, BAD-ass beads, and UGLY thrash on the floor.